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    Sunbury As It Was

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Welcome to the LOSRA Website

As with any other local neighbourhood, the policies and actions which affect the character and future of Lower Sunbury are generally framed and implemented by a combination of local and national government, along with the vested interests and market forces which operate within those frameworks. Lower Sunbury is by no means unique in being under threat from a creaking infrastructure brought about by rapid urban development, the growth of traffic, and other pressures affecting the quality of life and the character of the area.

Working with the local authorities, we see it as the responsibility of residents’ and amenity groups such as LOSRA to address the underlying issues which fundamentally affect their members’ lives, as well as the minutiae of everyday life with which such groups are often concerned.

Please sign up to receive our regular e-bulletins by subscribing via the facility at the top left hand of this page. It goes without saying that, without your continued support we would cease to function so we urge you to join, or renew your membership now Subscriptions (£5 per household) for 2024 are now payable.

London IrishMost residents will be aware that the time for letters opposing the London Irish applications expired on 11th May but we have not been idle. Just before the bank holiday Jubilee weekend LOSRA, SOLID and HAG met with the Head of Planning Policy and the Senior Planning Officer before she had begun her report with recommendations.

We were not given a steer as to which way the SPO would incline her report, nor did we expect one, but we were given two valuable hours in which to make the case for opposition to both The Avenue applications and the Hazelwood Golf Course. The recently published National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was central to the discussion as were the reports of the Planning Inspector and Secretary of State following London Irish's unsuccessful appeals.

Much of the discussion centred on the contrasting interpretation of the NPPF which has not yet been tested on appeal or at the High Court. Put simply this means that there is no precedent to which either we or the SPO could refer for guidance. Not surprisingly our take on the NPPF did not correspond exactly with that of the Head of Planning Policy; and the NPPF is nuanced in such a way as to bring to mind Shakespear's "the devil can cite scripture for his own purpose". Nevertheless, our points were put as powerfully as we could and it now remains to be seen whether they have succeeded in persuading the SPO to recommend refusal of The Avenue applications. The representations in respect of The Hazelwood Golf Course centred exclusively on additional and very exacting conditions to which the SPO gave very careful attention but, again, without any indication as to the weight she would give the evidence presented to her.

The Planning Committee will consider the applications on Thursday 21st June.

A packed public gallery at the Council Chamber heard the Head of Planning Development & Control argue the case for approval of the Linden Homes development proposals for the Police College site in Green Street. The recommendation for approval was countered by a well argued case put by a long standing resident representing the Police College Development Action Group and four local ward councillors. Principal among the objections concerned the density, considered to be too high, and access to the site. After much deliberation the Planning Committee determined that the application should be refused on a majority of 10 - 5.

It is understood that Linden Homes will now be considering its options and whether or not to appeal the Committee's decision. This site will be updated just as soon as more is known.

KGFCKempton Girls Football Club announce a sponsored penalty shoot out and summer B.B.Q. on Friday 22nd June from 7pm - midnight.

The event which will be held at the Kempton FC grounds at Kempton Avenue, Sunbury, has something for all the family and will include a bouncy castle, cake sale and bar. A special guest for the evening will be the goal keeper of the Chelsea Ladies team, Sarah Quantrill.

For the event poster click here

The KGFC is supported by the Football Foundation's 'Grow the Game' programme to increase the number of girls' teams at the Club and the quality of coaching. To learn more about this very worthwhile programme, click here to see press release.

Stadium for WaltonThanks to a local resident who got in touch with LOSRA, we have become aware of plans by Elmbridge Borough Council to construct a massive sports complex on land adjacent to the Xcel Leisure Centre in Waterside Drive, Walton. The development will include a new football and athletics stadium incorporating spectator seating, changing facilities, function/club rooms, floodlighting, additional football and sports pitches. The design and access statement may be viewed by clicking here.

The Association welcomes any addition to sporting and leisure facilities but has every reason to be concerned about the scale and ambition of this particular proposal, most especially as the development would have very serious implications for the peace and tranquility of the public and residents in Lower Sunbury. To view the letter of representation, click here.

Eco Park - No Case to Challenge in High CourtReaders will be all too aware that this Association together with Charlton Village Residents Association and SATEP (Shepperton Against The Eco Park) has conducted a long and very costly two year campaign in opposition to the installation of an incinerator at the community waste recycling centre at Charlton Lane. We were up against the formidable resources of Surrey County Council and their determination to see this development succeed without regard to the wishes of local residents. It is with great regret that we must report that our campaign to prevent this most unwelcome development is now over. The following is a self-explanatory extract of an email received from Councillor Smith-Ainsley of Spelthorne BC:

You will recall that I informed you on 6th April that the Council would be seeking legal advice as to whether or not we had a case to enable us to request a Judicial Review over the processes used by Sita and Surrey County Council during the Eco Park incinerator planning process. We decided to use a QC who has great expertise in this field, having successfully fought a similar case elsewhere in Surrey.

Unfortunately his advice is that having reviewed all the evidence available, we do not have a case to bring before the courts for a Judicial Review. This is obviously very disappointing news for all the residents of Spelthorne affected by this incinerator. There are still several hurdles to overcome for SiTA. The Environment Agency have yet to give the proposed incinerator a 'Permit to Operate'. When the draft is available we shall scrutinise it very carefully and reply back to the EA with any recommendations/comments we have to make on it.

With your help we shall also be keeping a close eye on SiTA during the construction phase of the project to ensure that they comply with all the conditions laid down by the County Council regarding noise, dust, operating times, odours, lorry movements and routes etc etc.

Spelthorne Council will be distributing a leaflet in the week beginning 27th May to explain to residents the actions that we have taken so far and the next steps that we are taking. This involves asking our Euro MPs for assistance as well as contacting the Secretary of State for the Environment, who has yet to release the PFI money for the project.

Jubilee EventMany residents will be aware from a recent local paper article that a number of Jubilee parties in Lower Sunbury have been cancelled so it gives us particular pleasure to announce an event which will be going ahead as planned.

Sunbury Cricket Club will be holding a Diamond Jubilee fête and garden party at Sunbury CC (Lower Hampton Road TW16 5PS) from 12:00 on Monday 4th June incorporating traditional fare, a bar, BBQ, cream teas, Pimms stall, kids stalls, cake stall, plant stall and many other attractions besides.

The event which will have live music is open to all and is free. To view poster, click here: http://www.sunburycricket.co.uk/socials.php

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