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  • Welcome to the LOSRA Website

    Welcome to the LOSRA Website

    The Lower Sunbury Residents' Association Read More
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    We invite anybody interested in the issues facing Lower Sunbury to subscribe Read More
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    View Our Newletters

    You can find all the recent LOSRA Newsletter available to download Read More
  • LOSRA's Aims

    LOSRA's Aims

    To optimise and enhance the quality of life for Lower Sunbury residents by all appropriate means Read More
  • Sunbury As It Was

    Sunbury As It Was

    Visit the LOSRA Gallery for images past and Present Read More
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Welcome to the LOSRA Website

As with any other local neighbourhood, the policies and actions which affect the character and future of Lower Sunbury are generally framed and implemented by a combination of local and national government, along with the vested interests and market forces which operate within those frameworks. Lower Sunbury is by no means unique in being under threat from a creaking infrastructure brought about by rapid urban development, the growth of traffic, and other pressures affecting the quality of life and the character of the area.

Working with the local authorities, we see it as the responsibility of residents’ and amenity groups such as LOSRA to address the underlying issues which fundamentally affect their members’ lives, as well as the minutiae of everyday life with which such groups are often concerned.

Please sign up to receive our regular e-bulletins by subscribing via the facility at the top left hand of this page. It goes without saying that, without your continued support we would cease to function so we urge you to join, or renew your membership now Subscriptions (£5 per household) for 2024 are now payable.

Thames21It has been a while since the Registered Charity, Thames 21 extended its remit to include the non-tidal reaches of the Thames and will again be coming to Sunbury Lock Island on Saturday 17th November from 10am - 1pm. This location is a charming part of the Lower Sunbury riverscape and we are being asked to join a team to give it a clean-up.

Volunteers are needed to help with removing litter and managing the vegetation. It will also be a great opportunity to learn about the environment, spot wildlife and meet new people. Volunteers are asked to report to the footbridge ahead of the lock at 10am. Old clothes recommended but all necessary equipment will be provided.

Details of the public events are also on the Thame21 website www.thames21.org.uk/events/

Luke Damerum of Thames 21 adds "Additional events may be added as we develop the winter programme so watch this space and please feel free to offer up any ideas and new contacts. I very much look forward to meeting you and your friends at these events."

St. Mary's Church Fair, Saturday 17th NovemberSt. Mary's Church will be holding a fundraising fair on Saturday 17th November between 10am and 2pm.

The fair will feature all the usual favourite stalls, raffles, jewellery, toys, fairtrade goods. Hot and cold refreshments will also be available in the Parish Hall.

All are welcome to come and support the Parish and the future of our Church.

Thursday, 01 November 2012 10:02

LOSRA Autumn 2012 Newsletter

Our autumn newsletter has been printed and is in the course of distribution.

To view the latest newsletter, click here

To view all the newsletters, click here

Police College Development Action Group - Appeal for FundsThank you to those residents who have responded so far to our appeal for funds to cover the costs of fighting this appeal (See articles of 15th and 19th October).

We would be grateful for any donations, no matter how small. Whilst this particular development concerns one corner of Lower Sunbury we believe the the threat of over-development affects everyone.

We are now able to facilitate your contribution by Paypal. Please click on the PayPal "Donate" button below to make a donation to PCDAG (Police College Development Action Group).

Planning application submitted for gravel working at Watersplash FarmAs expected, Cemex have submitted a planning application to Surrey County Council for the extraction of gravel from Watersplash Farm adjoining Fordbridge Road between Sunbury and Shepperton.

Since the outcome of the Surrey Minerals Plan consultation process which resulted in Watersplash Farm being identified for working for gravel, despite a strong campaign by SSAGE (Sunbury & Shepperton Against Gravel Extraction) we have been in contact with Cemex, the owners of the site, to ensure we are in touch with the process.

Discussions have clarified that, contrary to SCC’s original plan, there will be no aggregates recycling plant at the site, which is good news. In addition, the plan for re-instating the site has been clarified. It would be returned to top quality agricultural land with the current market gardening company working it, while the eastern end of the site along the course of the River Ash would become a nature reserve with enhanced public footpath access. Working would last a total of five years.

We received word as we went to press on 22nd October that SCC has validated the application, which was unexpected as it usually takes longer. There is now, in theory, a period of 28 days when representations and comments on the application can be made. Thereafter, the planning authority then have 16 weeks to determine the application. The reality, however, is that the application is not expected to go before the Planning Committee before the second half of 2013, and comments will be accepted for way in excess of the 28 days and virtually up until determination takes place.

However, now that it is validated, we are working with Cemex for them to stage a further exhibition of the plans so that residents are fully informed. This is likely to be before Christmas, but obviously there has been no opportunity to organise it yet, so please keep an eye on the web site for details of this and how to make comments or objections. We will try to ensure that there is plenty of other publicity as well. There is a lot of information on the Cemex web site at www.cemexcommunities.co.uk in the “Shepperton” section.

One of the main issues remains the access to and from the site on to Gaston Bridge Road, and the effect on local residents, and this is still under discussion. In reality, having fought our case on this for several years through the consultation, we do not think there is a realistic chance of planning permission being refused, and our objective would be to mitigate the impact as much as possible. This is not a position of weakness or abdication of our responsibilities. There is no way that in the long run we can resist the working of gravel on this site. That battle has been fought several times over the last 30 years, and has now been lost. The best we can do now is to work with Cemex to achieve the best possible outcome for residents.

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