Who Are Your Councillors and Who Does What?

To find out who your local Spelthorne Councillors are, you can do one of the following:

visit: http//my.spelthorne.gov.uk

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

call: 01784 446240

To find your County Councillor, you can:

visit: www.surreycc.gov.uk

call: 03456 009009

With Spelthorne Borough Council and Surrey County Council looking after such a wide range of services, it can sometimes be difficult to know who does what.

The following list should help:

Spelthorne Borough Council

  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Allotments
  • Building regulations
  • Business rates
  • Car parks and parking
  • Conservation and protecting Green Belt land
  • Council Tax benefit
  • Council Tax collection
  • Day centres
  • Dog fouling
  • Elections
  • Environmental health
  • Fly tipping
  • Grass cutting
  • Housing allocations
  • Housing Benefit
  • Leisure activities/play
  • Leisure centres
  • Licensing
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Parks and open spaces
  • Pest control
  • Planning applications
  • Pollution
  • Rubbish, recycling, garden
  • waste and food waste
  • SPAN
  • Spelride
  • Youth Council


For any of the above, contact: www.spelthorne.gov.uk or telephone: 01784 451499

Surrey County Council

  • Birth, death and marriage registration
  • Bus passes
  • Cycling proficiency
  • Cycle routes
  • Disabled parking badges
  • Education, school admissions, school policies
  • Footbridges
  • Footpaths, bridleways and byways
  • Gully cleaning
  • Icy roads
  • Libraries
  • Mineral extraction applications
  • Pavements
  • Potholes
  • Roads and public transport
  • Social services
  • Street lights, illuminated bollards and signs
  • Surrey Fire and Rescue Service
  • Trading standards
  • Waste policies
  • Youth clubs
  • Zebra crossings


For any of the above, contact: www.surreycc.gov.uk or telephone: 03456 009 009