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Tuesday, 06 November 2012 15:38

Application for Special Needs Home in School Walk

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An application has been submitted for the development of a 10 bedroom special needs home at the Old School House in School Walk despite the fact that planning permission has already been granted for the construction of two 3 bedroom houses on the same site.

An application such as this would not normally merit publication on this Website but, because the site is situated on a popular public footpath, its implications will be of interest to residents living beyond the immediate neighbourhood.

Representations should be submitted no later than15th November through the Council's planning portal

A letter of representation has been submitted by the Hon. Chairman, LOSRA and may be viewed by clicking here.


  • Comment Link John Hirsh Thursday, 15 November 2012 12:02 posted by John Hirsh

    Happily, Paul Eldridge has opened his comments with "If the objection from Mr Hirsh is personal..." My registered address does happen to be in School Walk but that is irrelevant and I see little point in reiterating my comment of 8th November. Suffice to say that, as Chairman, and in common with many previous applications, I only write in my ex-officio capacity when requested to do so by our membership. The coincidence of my address and that of the development site is no more or less than an accident of fate.

    I find the rest of Mr Eldridge's comments to be, dare I say, condescending in that he chooses to use his article to inform us/me on the required provision for 'special needs'. No one doubts this, nor do they doubt society's responsibility to provide for those who are disadvantaged by having special needs. However, what we are talking about here is a planning application and, as such, it must be tested against planning policy and the claims made within the applicant's Design and Access Statement. It is not a moment for high-mindedness, hyper-sensitivity or second-guessing my motives. For example, to suggest "Should any resident of the care home break the law, which I suspect is what Mr Hirsh is alluding to" is a gratuitous and baseless assertion which only serves to devalue the entire piece.

    I take no pleasure in responding as I have to Mr Eldridge's comments which classically illustrate how emotion and reasoned argument do not always make for happy bedfellows.

    In closing I would add that my position vis a vis my Chairmanship is a matter upon which our SUBSCRIBING membership may legitimately express a view. Since Mr Eldridge is not a LOSRA member,I do not intend to enter into any further exchange with this correspondent.

  • Comment Link Paul Eldridge Wednesday, 14 November 2012 14:25 posted by Paul Eldridge

    I echo the sentiments of Remy Smith
    If the objection from Mr Hirsh is personal why reference your position within LOSRA? It is a matter of public record that his letter to Spelthorne was sent as a private individual not under the auspices of LOSRA.
    Regardless of this it seems that the national euphoria from the summer hasnt survived in Mr Hirsh's house.
    Does he not realise that the wonderful athletes, carers and coaches of our hugely succesful Paralympic team have to live somewhere, or would it be fair to say he doesnt care where they live as long as its not on his street?
    A child can be deemed to be"special needs" for one of 3 reasons:- educational, behavioural or physical.
    Having spent 5 minutes on the internet you may be interested to know that UK has a school population virtually identical in numbers to Germany (UK 8.03 million, Germany 7.67 million) In UK last figures I could locate (2009) there were 262k children of school age classified as special needs, Germany has 480k. Am not sure what this statistic proves other than, possibly, that the UK is slightly more exhaustive in their research before classifying a young person in this way.
    All 3 types of special needs clearly need to be worked with in a specialist environment such as the one proposed, and subject to a mountain of legislation and constant checks by the relevant authorities.
    Should any resident of the care home break the law, which I suspect is what Mr Hirsh is alluding to, like any other UK resident they would be subject to criminal law.
    For my part, as a Lower Sunbury resident of some 50 years, and also an ex 1st Sunbury scout who attended the recent centenary celebrations, I have no issue with this proposal.
    If the existing building, which clearly struggles to be fit for purpose of enhancing the lives of our young people, is to be redeveloped, and this is the best solution to enable this to happen I say let it happen and good luck to the 1st Sunbury Scout & Guide Groups (100 years of local service and counting)

  • Comment Link John Hirsh Thursday, 08 November 2012 13:34 posted by John Hirsh

    As a residents' association,LOSRA has a history of representing the community in planning matters and this application is no exception. We don't do this lightly and only after we receive representations from our members to act on their behalf (as was the case in this instance).

    As for private submissions, there is no such thing as all letters of objection are published on the Council Website.

  • Comment Link Remy Smith Thursday, 08 November 2012 11:54 posted by Remy Smith

    Why is this objection being pushed through under the banner of LOSRA?

    Really should be dealt with as a private submission to SBC's planning department.

    Tut Tut

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