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    Welcome to the LOSRA Website

    The Lower Sunbury Residents' Association Read More
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    You can find all the recent LOSRA Newsletter available to download Read More
  • LOSRA's Aims

    LOSRA's Aims

    To optimise and enhance the quality of life for Lower Sunbury residents by all appropriate means Read More
  • Sunbury As It Was

    Sunbury As It Was

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Welcome to the LOSRA Website

As with any other local neighbourhood, the policies and actions which affect the character and future of Lower Sunbury are generally framed and implemented by a combination of local and national government, along with the vested interests and market forces which operate within those frameworks. Lower Sunbury is by no means unique in being under threat from a creaking infrastructure brought about by rapid urban development, the growth of traffic, and other pressures affecting the quality of life and the character of the area.

Working with the local authorities, we see it as the responsibility of residents’ and amenity groups such as LOSRA to address the underlying issues which fundamentally affect their members’ lives, as well as the minutiae of everyday life with which such groups are often concerned.

Please sign up to receive our regular e-bulletins by subscribing via the facility at the top left hand of this page. It goes without saying that, without your continued support we would cease to function so we urge you to join, or renew your membership now Subscriptions (£5 per household) for 2024 are now payable.

A number of local residents have reported to our Association that an irrigation reservoir is under construction at Vicarage Farm, Halliford Road, and which is in clear view from School Walk. It is indeed a very substantial development of the farmland.

Local authority planning consent is required for most reservoirs except those for 'minor agricultural developments' provided for under the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 but this development which cannot be described as 'minor' was in fact the subject of a planning application (14/00779/PDA) and was approved without any objections having been received prior to the commencement of works. The Local Planning Authority advised LOSRA that letters were sent to residents nearby at the time the application was made.

For further information, visit: http://my.spelthorne.gov.uk/planning/ and enter the reference number above.

The ever popular Sunbury Open Gardens Day enters its twelth year.

For further details, ticket sales and bookings, visit: http://www.sunburyopengardens.co.uk

LOSRA has received the following email from Surrey County Council and it is reproduced here for the information of residents:

Later this month, Surrey will be at the heart of historic celebrations to mark 800 years of Magna Carta. A national commemoration event, attended by HM the Queen and other dignitaries from the UK and throughout the world, will be held at Runnymede Meadows on Monday 15 June – exactly 800 years after the Magna Carta was sealed in the same location.

How will roads be affected by the event on Monday 15 June?
In the lead up to and on the day of the event there are planned closures on the A308 Windsor Road. Diversions will be in place, but the roads will be very busy so we are encouraging residents to plan ahead to try and avoid the area, especially during the morning of Monday 15 June. From 1am on Monday 15 June there will also be parking restrictions in place on a small number of roads in Egham, Englefield Green and Old Windsor.

Can residents attend the event?
For safety and security reasons the event is invitation only, but there will be large TV screens on the meadow near the National Trust lodges at Runnymede where residents are welcome to watch the ceremony. Please bear in mind that the usual access routes will be extremely restricted throughout the day on Monday 15 June, and that the National Trust car parks at Runnymede and the nearby Runnymede Pleasure Grounds car park will be closed. The easiest way to get to the site will be to use local footpaths, which will remain open.

Thank you for your support in keeping residents informed about the planned road closures, and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at all. For more information please visit surreycc.gov.uk/magnacarta, or follow @SurreyTravel on Twitter for live travel updates on the day of the event.

Kind regards,

The Magna Carta team
Surrey County Council

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: 03456 009 009
SMS: 07527 182 861

Residents in Stratton Road and adjacent streets have expressed concern about the intended expansion from 90 to 210 pupils at Hawkedale School. Whilst it is recognised that existing school capacities are not going to meet the needs of increasing populations especially in the south east, there is anxiety over the adverse impact on traffic and parking in these quiet residential roads.

To answer these concerns, a public meeting will be held at Hawkedale Infants School on Wednesday 17th June at 7pm. All local residents and other interested parties are welcome.

The Association will be holding its AGM at 8pm on Wednesday 1st July at the Riverside Arts Centre, Thames Street.

The AGM Newsletter, which has been sent to the printers for distribution to households in June, may be viewed by clicking here.

It will be noted that reference is made to the inclusion of a flier appealing to those who have not yet registered their preferences for the location of a cycle/footbridge. If you have not yet completed the online ballot you are urged to do so now by clicking here or on the banner on the top of the Home Page.

Residents living in the vicinity of the Hazelwood Training Centre will have noticed the thoughtless and inconsiderate parking by many of the visitors to the London Irish annual Mini Festival on 26th April. After receiving a number of complaints the Association raised the matter at a meeting with the Chairman of the Organising Committee.

Before discussing steps to be taken to minimise disruption next year, the Chairman was anxious to point out the measures they had taken to prevent parking congestion before this year's event and it is only fair to point these out:

  • informaton pack sent out to attendees 3 & 1 weeks before the event;
  • made clear that no parking was available at Hazelwood;
  • made clear that consideration for the club's neighbours is needed;
  • all visitors guided to use coaches where possible, or public transport;
  • all car users guided to use Kempton Park Race Course and shuttle bus service.

The L. Irish Amateur RFC investigated multiple options for car parking and rented 2 separate locations together with a shuttle bus transfer service at a combined cost of £1,800:

  • Kempton Park - approx 650 cars parked, 5 double-decker buses used for transfer;
  • St. Paul's School - approx 200 cars and 11 x 50 seat coaches parked;
  • 52 car park marshals volunteered for the day's event;
  • marshals used in shifts, primarily in the early morning peak period before the 10am start to the Festival and situated at 7 locations between Kempton and Croysdale Avenue;
  • marshals, despite not being legally empowered to prevent visitors from parking, appealed to the goodwill of visitors not to park in the local area but to go to Kempton and use Park and Ride service;
  • local police had been informed of the event in advance in order that dangerously parked or obstructing vehicles could be ticketed.

Despite these measures, 'residents parking only' signs at the top of roads parallel to Croysdale were destroyed beyond repair by vandals in the days before the Festival; some visitors chose to ignore pre-festival communications or ignored car parking marshals "as they are entitled to park as they pay road tax like anyone else".

It should be stressed that this is the first year that Hazelwood has hosted the Mini Festival and it's not surprising that there are lessons to be learnt for future years. One identified weakness is that visiting clubs did not adequately communicate to their members the information packs issued by London Irish. The Chairman has undertaken to be much more forceful in his communications to visiting clubs next year whilst accepting that this is unlikely to deter the awkward minority who have no regard for the inconvenience caused to local residents.

Next year's event is scheduled to take place on 24th April and the Chairman has agreed to communicate with LOSRA beforehand in order to alert residents through this website.

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