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    Sunbury As It Was

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Welcome to the LOSRA Website

As with any other local neighbourhood, the policies and actions which affect the character and future of Lower Sunbury are generally framed and implemented by a combination of local and national government, along with the vested interests and market forces which operate within those frameworks. Lower Sunbury is by no means unique in being under threat from a creaking infrastructure brought about by rapid urban development, the growth of traffic, and other pressures affecting the quality of life and the character of the area.

Working with the local authorities, we see it as the responsibility of residents’ and amenity groups such as LOSRA to address the underlying issues which fundamentally affect their members’ lives, as well as the minutiae of everyday life with which such groups are often concerned.

Please sign up to receive our regular e-bulletins by subscribing via the facility at the top left hand of this page. It goes without saying that, without your continued support we would cease to function so we urge you to join, or renew your membership now Subscriptions (£5 per household) for 2024 are now payable.

Following the public consultation which began in May 2015, Fairview have now submitted a planning application to Spelthorne Borough Council which was validated on Thursday 3rd December (reference number: 15/01599/FUL).

The plans remain largely unchanged to those presented at the public exhibition on 22nd September, except that, following a final pre-application meeting with the Council on 12th November, the internal configuration of the apartment building has been amended resulting in an increase to the overall unit numbers from 32 to 33. This has not contributed to any external visual change to that presented during the public consultation.

Planning Officers have advised Fairview that consultation letters will be distributed to residents within the coming days, and that the 21 day statutory consultation period will be extended to 28 days, to account for the Christmas break.

Fairview intends to conduct a further door-to-door canvass of neighbouring properties next week, to ensure that residents are aware of the application being submitted and know how to submit their comments.

All plans and visuals are available online at www.FairviewPageAerospace.co.uk

Thursday, 10 December 2015 07:57

NHS Patient and Public Participation Policy

This policy is for patients and the public, and for NHS England staff. It sets out the NHS ambition of strengthening participation in all its work and how it intends to achieve this.

To view, click here

Saturday, 05 December 2015 10:18

Council Supports Anti Dog-fouling Campaign

All the evidence shows that the majority of dog owners in Lower Sunbury are responsible people who take care to clear up after their dogs. Nevertheless, for the small minority who tarnish the reputation of the majority, this notice from our local Council will be of interest:

"Spelthorne Council has joined forces with environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy in a bid to reduce dog fouling in the Borough.

"The ‘We’re Watching You’ campaign sets its sights on irresponsible dog owners, with recent research showing that dog fouling tends to be worse during the winter months and at night time when some dog owners feel that they can’t be seen ‘under the cover of darkness.’

"Spelthorne Council has joined the edgy and uncompromising campaign to tackle dog fouling hotspots and is displaying posters that use innovative materials which glow-in-the-dark at night and recharge during the day.

"Cllr Maureen Attewell, Cabinet Member for Environment, said: “We know that residents consider dog fouling to be by far the most unacceptable and dirtiest type of litter. The vast majority of dog owners are responsible people who pick up after their dogs but some people seem to think they don’t need to bother if it’s dark. We are pleased to be working together with Keep Britain Tidy on this cutting-edge campaign and hope that we will see some good results.”

There has been quite a lot of publicity in the national press regarding the dangers associated with battery packs for hoverboards. Should any of our readers have missed it, we bring to attention a recent email from Trading Standards which will be of interest: TS officers recently intercepted a £7,000 consignment of 51 self-balancing boards imported from China and sent them for testing to see if they complied with electrical safety standards.

Trading Standards will now ensure the boards can never be used by the public after checks showed that chargers and battery packs supplied with the products pose a fire risk.

In particular, TS are also investigating a case in Buckinghamshire where a woman was injured after a hoverboard belonging to her 10-year-old son exploded in a bedroom, sending burning fragments flying across the room.

The final Music Night of 2015 at Sunbury Cricket Club falls on Friday 11th December, when the Club welcomes The Mersey Legends once more for their now traditional Christmas bash.

They are led by Yanni Tsamplakos, who was born in Liverpool and who played at The Cavern with his band The Seftons in the heyday of the  beat boom – the band were top of the bill at the Cavern when it re-opened in 1967. They play wall-to-wall Mersey era classics, with a show that’s true to its roots, and promises an evening of non-stop ‘60s favourites that are always guaranteed to get everyone dancing, so come along with your friends and have a bit a rave-up to get the party season properly under way. You can get full information at www.themerseylegends.co.uk.

There’s a small bonus for this gig – the Club will be having a raffle, and the little tickets they give you when you pay at the door will actually give you a chance of winning one of the prizes, so make sure you hang on to them!

Sunday, 29 November 2015 17:46

Sunbury Park Cattle Grazing Feedback

Readers of this site will already be aware that the Council undertook an eight week cattle grazing trial in Sunbury Park. The purpose of the trial was to try and enhance the local biodiversity whilst undertaking this historic method of grassland management.

Cows will naturally graze the more dominant grass species and in turn allow the less plentiful plants to establish. The Council and Friends of Sunbury Park are striving to encourage increased levels of wildflowers onto the site which would aid pollinating insects such as bees and butterflies. The Council strongly rejects any rumour of potential land change for future developments.

The use of grazing animals is a major part of modern conservation management and is employed in other areas of the Borough such as Dumsey Meadow (Site of Special Scientific Interest).

The Council emphasises that it is not their intention to isolate anyone from using the park and would simply ask that those enjoying the park to do so in respect of others, just like any other park within the Borough. If the cows return next year, a permanent water supply would be installed. Furthermore an improved entrance at the Green Street car park would be provided to ease access for pushchairs and mobility scooters.

It's a well known fact that those who are against a plan are more likely to register objections whilst those who approve rarely signify their support (the silent majority). With this in mind and whether for, against or indifferent, please take a few moments to let the Council know your views by completing the feedback by Monday 4 January 2016 by clicking here

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