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    Welcome to the LOSRA Website

    The Lower Sunbury Residents' Association Read More
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    You can find all the recent LOSRA Newsletter available to download Read More
  • LOSRA's Aims

    LOSRA's Aims

    To optimise and enhance the quality of life for Lower Sunbury residents by all appropriate means Read More
  • Sunbury As It Was

    Sunbury As It Was

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Welcome to the LOSRA Website

As with any other local neighbourhood, the policies and actions which affect the character and future of Lower Sunbury are generally framed and implemented by a combination of local and national government, along with the vested interests and market forces which operate within those frameworks. Lower Sunbury is by no means unique in being under threat from a creaking infrastructure brought about by rapid urban development, the growth of traffic, and other pressures affecting the quality of life and the character of the area.

Working with the local authorities, we see it as the responsibility of residents’ and amenity groups such as LOSRA to address the underlying issues which fundamentally affect their members’ lives, as well as the minutiae of everyday life with which such groups are often concerned.

Please sign up to receive our regular e-bulletins by subscribing via the facility at the top left hand of this page. It goes without saying that, without your continued support we would cease to function so we urge you to join, or renew your membership now Subscriptions (£5 per household) for 2024 are now payable.

The public consultation by Heronslea on the development of Green Belt in Fordbridge Road (see article of 17th August below) has been cancelled. It will now take place at a later date yet to be confirmed. We will update this site just as soon as we have been made aware of any development proposals being put forward and the revised public consultation date. If you have not already done so, please sign up to our weekly e-bulletin at the top of this page.

Who Can You Trust (WCYT) is a not-for-profit community interest company administered by a semi-retired newspaper editor and set up with the sole aim of alerting and advising people in the 55+ age group about the need to be on their guard against internet scammers, doorstep rogues, fake lotteries, ATM fraudsters, rogue builders, dating tricksters and cheque overpayment fraud. The publications are produced in conjunction with Checkatrade, Surrey Council's preferred supplier of bone fide tradesmen.

The July newsletter for Surrey and the bi-monthly Watch Out magazine - can be viewed as a flip-page version online by clicking here: http://goo.gl/XD3Wn4

The Hertfordshire based company, Heronslea, have indicated their intention to develop the Old Nursery Site in Fordbridge Road and have booked St. Mary's Church Hall on 25th August from 3pm - 8pm to hold a public consultation. Discussions are still ongoing with the local planning authority so further details of the intended development are not yet forthcoming.

LOSRA has expressed its disappointment at the short notice given for this event and we have been advised that the consultation event will be postponed if the pre-application discussions with the LPA have not been concluded in time. We will update the website as soon as we know more.

In the meantime, readers may wish to refer to the latest Keep Kempton Green bulletin 'Developers Circling Old Nursery Site' at the top of this page. As with KKG we are resolutely opposed to the development of our Green Belt in the absence of 'very special circumstances' and, as things stand, it is hard to identify what those 'circumstances' could possibly be.

The Leader of the Council and the Head of Planning Services for Spelthorne Council made their positions very clear at a recent public meeting. Green Belt will not be developed in order to meet a perceived or imaginary housing need. Our local plan makes this very clear.

After a bit of a break while lots of people have been away, Music Nights are back at Sunbury Cricket Club on Friday 21st August when the Club welcomes back THE GOOD OLD BOYS who have always given us a great show when they’ve visited the Club.

They feature a formidable array of experienced performers with illustrious histories in a variety of big name bands, led by Nick Simper (bass/vocals) who first played professionally with Johnny Kidd & The Pirates, going on to play with The Flowerpot Men before becoming a founder member of Deep Purple. After he left Purple, he played with Marsha Hunt, that band morphing into Warhorse, who made albums for Vertigo. After Warhorse, he went on to form Flying Fox and then Fandango.

Peter Parks (guitar/vocals) was also in Warhorse, and then stayed with Nick through the Fandango era in the ‘80s. Simon Bishop (guitar/vocals) toured with Renaissance, High Society, and The Monks (of “Nice Legs, Shame About The Face” fame), while Richard Hudson (drums/vocals) was a long-time member of the south-west London scene as percussionist with high profile hit-makers The Strawbs and then Hudson Ford. He was also with Elmer Gantry's Velvet Opera, High Society and The Monks. Alan Barratt (lead singer) was with the British band Jo Jo Gunne and has worked alongside the likes of Chip Hawkes (Tremelos) and Cliff Bennett and the Rebel Rousers.

It goes without saying that they are a top class outfit and we know from their previous gigs that the contrasting lead guitar styles of Peter and Simon makes for a really entertaining range of rock, blues, R&B and country material. Altogether a very entertaining evening is in prospect!

There’s more info at:




The following email has been received from Joanne Jones, Community Development Manager at Spelthorne Borough Council and is published here for any resident embarking on a business venture or who needs help with an existing one:

As a Spelthorne resident or business did you know that you're now able to access free online business advice via live chat following our recent partnership with business support website, My Incubator Ventures?

Whether you're thinking of starting a business or an existing business looking for a helping hand, this new service allows you to speak to a professional business adviser via a live chat service, saving you the time and money of having to travel anywhere.

See: https://www.spelthorne.gov.uk/miv

Regular readers of this site will remember past appeals by Thames 21 to assist in clearing vegetation and rubbish at Sunbury Lock Island. Now this very worthwhile Organisation is appealing for volunteers to participate in a less strenuous enterprise. The following email from Luke Dameron, the Thames 21 Project Officer, is self-explanatory and we have pleasure in reproducing it here:

In celebration of the Thames Festival and partnership with other organisations together we are aiming to test 1,000 water samples taken from the River Thames and its tributaries on one day to get a snapshot of Phosphate and Nitrate levels across the Thames River Basin. We specifically request volunteers to test the waters of the Thames and tributaries with water quality kits provided by us between Maidenhead and Teddington. This will take place during working hours of the 14th of September (Monday) 2015, and would require 1 hour of your time.

The reasons for undertaking this activity are, with increasing rural and urban development around our waterways has led to the increasing rate and high levels of Phosphates (P) and Nitrates (N) that can be analysed. It will provide an opportunity for you to be a part of the team producing a snapshot of water quality across the whole Thames River that will help shape regional decisions, and raise awareness of water quality issues in your local area. Phosphate and Nitrate water testing kits are relatively easy to use and full training will be given via practically or online.

If you would like to be  play a part in this great event of the Thames Festival and learn to about your local water quality please get in touch with me directly by 11th of August. 

Best wishes



Luke Damerum

Non-Tidal River Thames Project Officer & Maidenhead – Teddington Catchment Partnership Coordinator

Thames21 ‘Bringing Waterways to Life’

M            07824491166

E            This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

W           www.thames21.org.uk 

CP          Maidenhead to Teddington Catchment Partnership

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