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    To optimise and enhance the quality of life for Lower Sunbury residents by all appropriate means Read More
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    Sunbury As It Was

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Welcome to the LOSRA Website

As with any other local neighbourhood, the policies and actions which affect the character and future of Lower Sunbury are generally framed and implemented by a combination of local and national government, along with the vested interests and market forces which operate within those frameworks. Lower Sunbury is by no means unique in being under threat from a creaking infrastructure brought about by rapid urban development, the growth of traffic, and other pressures affecting the quality of life and the character of the area.

Working with the local authorities, we see it as the responsibility of residents’ and amenity groups such as LOSRA to address the underlying issues which fundamentally affect their members’ lives, as well as the minutiae of everyday life with which such groups are often concerned.

Please sign up to receive our regular e-bulletins by subscribing via the facility at the top left hand of this page. It goes without saying that, without your continued support we would cease to function so we urge you to join, or renew your membership now Subscriptions (£5 per household) for 2024 are now payable.

Daxa PatelOur local Halliford and Sunbury West Ward Councillor, Daxa Patel (pictured), has announced her decision to resign from her position as Cabinet Member for Emergency Planning to concentrate on her duties as Ward Councillor. She will be replaced by Cllr. Colin Davis (pictured).
In a letter to Chief Executive Roberto Tambini, Councillor Patel said "I have found the work as Portfolio Holder for Emergency Planning to be stimulating and rewarding, and very much appreciate the support and encouragement I have received from staff and fellow councillors".

Colin DavisLeader of the Council, Cllr Robert Watts said: "I would like to express my sincere thanks to Cllr Daxa Patel for the strong contribution she has made; particularly her work with the community during last year's flooding. I am pleased to welcome Cllr Colin Davis to the Cabinet. Colin brings a wealth of experience to the Cabinet and I very much look forward to working with him."

He added: "I am taking this opportunity to review the roles of all the Cabinet Members and will announce a change to the portfolio holders' responsibilities shortly."

Dog attackReaders will be pleased to hear that the little schnauzer, which survived an attack by an American bulldog (see article of 3rd February), has now fully recovered. Following a police investigation, the owner has signed a voluntary agreement for his dog to be muzzled when in public. This, it seems, is the least the owner is prepared to do as he has offered no apology; nor has he offered to repay the £400 vet's bill.

Settlement via the small claims court is an option now being considered by the schnauzer's owner.

Additional powers were granted to the police and local authorities in October 2014 under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, designed to give them greater flexibility when dealing with irresponsible dog owners and incidents involving dogs. These powers include acceptable behaviour contracts (ABCs), community protection notices (CPNs) and public spaces protection orders (PSPOs). 

All are designed to give greater flexibility in tackling irresponsible dog owners and incidents involving dogs. The Act also amended Part 7 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 to extend the offence of a dog being “dangerously out of control” to all places, including private property where the dog has the right to be and to make explicit that an attack on an assistance dog is an aggravated (more serious) offence. 

Bad InfluenceThe next Music Night at Sunbury Cricket Club falls on Friday 27th February, when the Club welcomes BAD INFLUENCE for the first time. They have been on the Club's radar for a while since they were recommended by a couple of their regulars but, until now, it has been difficult to pin down a suitable date.

They've been together for a long while, having originally been formed in 1986 by Val Cowell (vocals and guitar) and Richard Hayes (lead & slide guitar), who have been permanent members ever since, and the line-up is completed by Pete Stroud on bass (he was formerly with Peter Green’s Splinter Group and will be familiar to you as bass player with Buddy Whittington) and long-time drummer Harry James (former member of Thunder and Magnum). They play a distinctive brand of up-front blues and rock, blending original material from their albums with interpretations of material from the likes of Tom Petty, Bonnie Raitt and Fleetwood Mac—their most recent CD features tracks that they recorded for broadcast on Paul Jones R&B show on Radio 2 – getting a session on that show is itself a considerable accolade.

It will be a fine evening of archetypal Sunbury Music Night rocking blues, and the Club looks forward to seeing you there. There’s plenty of info and some music samples on their web site at www.badinfluence.org.uk

Saturday, 14 February 2015 16:49

Shepperton Players - Are You Interested?

Shepperton Players - Are You Interested?Are you interested in drama, lighting, directing, sound, costumes, set design and construction, directing, production, photography or props?

Have you recently moved to the area and want to meet new people?

The Shepperton Players, based at the Riverside Arts Centre, Thames Street, Sunbury, have the most varied programme of any local group including dramas, comedies, farces, musicals, Shakespeare productions and pantomimes. The Players have around 70 members of all ages. Some are primarily interested in performing, but are happy to turn their hand to all manner of backstage, front of house or technical tasks for productions in which they are not cast. Others are experienced, or chiefly interested in these non-performing roles in the theatre.

If you are interested, find out more by contacting the Membership Secretary, Marion Millinger on 01932 851323 or visit www.sheppertonplayers.org.uk

 200 Residents Attend Hazelwood Public Meeting on Green BeltSpelthorne Council hosted the much awaited public meeting last Tuesday (see article of 19th January) to clarify its position with regard to any potential development on Green Belt land at Kempton Park Race Course.

The meeting, held at the Hazelwood Centre in Green Street, and chaired by Spelthorne Chief Executive, Roberto Tambini, was called after residents expressed concern that the Jockey Club might be planning to develop homes on Kempton Park. Around 200 residents attended and many submitted questions in advance of the meeting.

Cllr Robert Watts, Leader at Spelthorne Council, started the meeting with a statement outlining the Council’s strong commitment to protecting the Green Belt. “We can’t stop developers putting planning applications in,” he said.  “But we can be clear about how we will deal with them if they do.” “We have a very clear Green Belt policy and it is backed up by an equally clear government policy.”

The Head of Planning Services, John Brooks, whilst also ruling out the prospect of developing on designated Green Belt, then gave a presentation on the planning context, an overview of what Green Belt means and planning for future needs and associated issues.

Pre-submitted questions about Kempton Park were then addressed and supplementary questions taken. 

The panel included planning staff from Spelthorne Council, local councillors, Chair of the Planning Committee and the Cabinet Member for Planning. MP Kwasi Kwarteng also attended and answered questions relating to Sunbury Health Centre during the latter part of the meeting where broader local issues were discussed.

The Campaign Group, Keep Kempton Green (KKG) has also commented on the meeting and its report may be viewed by clicking here: keepkemptongreen.com/2015/02/04/the-new-friend-of- a-friend/

Spelthorne's Sunbury Flood VolunteersSpelthorne’s Sunbury Flood Volunteers was founded on Facebook 10/02/2014 in response to last winter's local flooding. As well as running the local flood resource center at St Mary’s Parish Hall, Green Street, they coordinated much groundwork, including sand-bagging removal of household goods to storage etc.

They have helped over 150 residents and over 70 households with cleaning and removal of slurry from their properties, to filling in 'repair and renew' grants, and moving residents back into their homes. The work is still ongoing and they are currently removing debris from our local waterways

The SSFV Unit has been developing for 12 months to provide initial training to individuals in Module 1 Water Awareness safety. In addition, SSFV have successfully completed level 5 water incident management, a 4 day component for team leaders responsible for management and co-ordination; health and safety; and liaison with other team leaders regarding tasking and welfare.

SSFV’s aim is to provide trained Flood Emergency Responders who will be able to react quickly to a flood emergency and provide support within the affected community. In the recent floods a number of residents were left isolated for more than 7 days even though the flood water wasn't very deep. . Unfortunately, the response available was provided by volunteers who were poorly equipped and untrained for the role they were given. Trained Flood Emergency Responders would have been able to visit the local residents simply to reassure them about the situation and to provide logistical support.

Last winter's floods demonstrate the requirement for properly trained Flood Rescue Responders. The need for more people to be trained around the Country is also evidenced within DEFRA documentation including the Flood Rescue Concept of Operations. Furthermore, the Pitt Review clearly demonstrates the need for Flood Rescue Teams and the benefits that these teams can provide. SSFV will supply free training for volunteers and also improve life skills.

If you are interested in joining SSFV or would like more information on either clean-up or rescue volunteers. please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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