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Welcome to the LOSRA Website

As with any other local neighbourhood, the policies and actions which affect the character and future of Lower Sunbury are generally framed and implemented by a combination of local and national government, along with the vested interests and market forces which operate within those frameworks. Lower Sunbury is by no means unique in being under threat from a creaking infrastructure brought about by rapid urban development, the growth of traffic, and other pressures affecting the quality of life and the character of the area.

Working with the local authorities, we see it as the responsibility of residents’ and amenity groups such as LOSRA to address the underlying issues which fundamentally affect their members’ lives, as well as the minutiae of everyday life with which such groups are often concerned.

Please sign up to receive our regular e-bulletins by subscribing via the facility at the top left hand of this page. It goes without saying that, without your continued support we would cease to function so we urge you to join, or renew your membership now Subscriptions (£5 per household) for 2024 are now payable.

Monday, 31 October 2011 12:20

St. Mary's Church Fair, 12th November

St Mary's ChurchSt. Mary's Church will be holding a fair on Saturday 12th November between 10am and 2pm to raise funds to repair the Church roof (or to buy a supply of buckets!).

The fair will feature all the usual favourite stalls, raffles, jewellery, toys, fairtrade goods. Hot and cold refreshments will also be available in the Parish Hall.

All are welcome to come and support the Parish in a project which is vital for the future of our Church.

Advertising Standards AuthorityA profit-driven corporate giant has shown a disgraceful contempt for a community which was never expected to fight back. The 'Eco Park' Contractors, SITA, have been shamed by the Advertising Standards Authority for misleading Sunbury and Shepperton residents. If the Eco Park was such a fantastic and ground-breaking solution to our waste disposal problems, why did they try to deceive us by misrepresenting its environmental benefits? The illustrative drawings were misleading; the claim that it was a proven technology was untrue, as was their claim that the technology was operating successfully elsewhere.

The Campaign Group opposing the Eco Park (LOSRA, Charlton Village RA & Shepperton Against the Eco Park (SATEP)) has always contended that SITA UK, the contractors for the Eco Park at Charlton Lane had misrepresented the facility in their publicity literature and via the media. A complaint had been lodged with the Advertising Standards Authority and readers may remember that the findings of the ASA were appealed to The Independent Reviewer of ASA Adjudications, Sir Hayden Phillips (See article of 30th August).

As a consequence, the ASA has reviewed its original decision and its findings are summarised as follows:

The technology is not proven, as claimed by SITA. Shepperton would receive an untried, untested prototype gasification unit.

The reference sites that SITA claim are "operating successfully with emissions falling within predicted levels" has been ruled as misleading, unsubstantiated and also fail on environmental claims, as the quoted Dumfries site has suffered operational issues since inception and experiences emission breaches on an alarmingly regular basis.

Drawings used to illustrate the Development have also been deemed to be misleading, as the true scale of the buildings and height of the planned 49 metre stack were not accurately depicted.

Due to SITA's company policy of not holding large public meetings, the majority of their public consultation has been conducted through awareness-raising tools such as Newsletters, their website, media articles and other marketing materials. However, with this ASA ruling deeming SITA's publicity material to be flawed at a basic level, it must now be arguable that SITA's claims to have held satisfactory public consultations are themselves unsupportable. For Press Release, click here. For the ASA adjudication, click here.

Gravel ExtractionThose of you who responded to earlier phases of the consultation on the proposasl in the Surrey Minerals Plan will have had details of how to view and respond to the proposals. The deadline for responses has been extended to 28th October 2011, so there is still time for you to get your views registered. This can be done via the on-line forms at www.surreycc.gov.uk/mineralsplan, or you can download Word versions of the forms and print them out to send by post.

LOSRA and SSAGE (Sunbury & Shepperton Against Gravel Extraction) have made their respective representations. The relevant parts of the proposals as far as Sunbury and Shepperton are concerned relate to proposals for a permanent Aggregates Recycling plant at Charlton Lane Recycling Centre (if the EcoPark does not go ahead) and a temporary Aggregates recycling plant at Watersplash Farm which would remain for the duration of gravel extraction works there, assuming that gravel extraction goes ahead at this site.

We are only allowed to comment on the legal compliance and soundness of the plans. You can read and download LOSRA’s submissions here – this may help you to make a submission without wading through the mountain of documentation which these consultations inevitably involve. The references B3 and B4 in the document refer to the relevant sections of the response form.

Top blues/rock band The Mustangs are appearing at the next Music Night at Sunbury Cricket Club on Friday 28th October from 8.30pm. The Mustangs, from S.E.London, are one of the most popular and successful bands on the Blues Festival circuit, but they are no ordinary blues. Featuring dynamic front man Adam Norsworthy, their high octane stage act comprises mainly original material, which they describe as “blues-inspired”.

Your correspondent has seen them recently at Maryport and Swanage Blues Festival and can vouch for the fact that they will deliver a great evening’s entertainment. They have just released their sixth CD – you can hear clips of their music on their web site at www.themustangs.co.uk. Attached is a flier for the event – please download it and forward it to any friends and associates who might be interested. Sunbury Cricket Club is in Lower Hampton Road TW16 5PS, admission £5.

Police CollegeAfter their purchase of the Police Training College in Green Street, Linden homes are now consulting the public about the plans they have for the residential development of the Site. To this end, the Company will be holding a public exhibition at the Riverside Arts Centre, Thames Street on Tuesday 1st November, between 2.30pm and 7.30pm.

The latest plans will be on display and members of the project team will be on hand to answer questions and listen to comments and feedback.

The exhibition follows meetings which have already been held with neighbours and other 'stakeholders' including LOSRA.

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