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Tuesday, 17 March 2015 08:38

Application to Create Children's Play Area in Orchard Meadow

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Orchard Meadow

An application for the Creation of children's play area including the erection of natural play equipment and the provision of bark safety surfacing is being considered by our planning office.

If you wish view this application ((Ref: 15/00237/FUL) or to make representations, please click here


Representations should be submitted by 25th March.


  • Comment Link Jack smith Saturday, 10 October 2015 06:24 posted by Jack smith

    Great idea please build it this town needs to accommodate and cater for young children not just the old shout loud losra brigade

  • Comment Link Clllr Ian Harvey Friday, 10 April 2015 13:23 posted by Clllr Ian Harvey

    I have been away since last posting. In the interest of transparency and full consultation I invite ALL interested parties to meet me on site tomorrow SATURDAY 11th, at 10:30 am to discuss this as I believe there is an element of misunderstanding and I would like us ALL to understand what is proposed, and indeed, each other's rational views. Please meet by the gate from the car park to Orchard Meadow furthest from the Avenue entrance. Please note I will have to leave by 10:55 for another commitment.

  • Comment Link Keith Jenkins Wednesday, 08 April 2015 16:08 posted by Keith Jenkins

    I have emailed Spelthorne Planning department to complain about the proposed children's play area on Sunbury common which is totally inappropriate and unnecessary for the area. There is already a play area close by next to the car park on the ford bridge road, not more than quarter of a mile. And to plan to build it in the centre of the common defies belief!

  • Comment Link Carol Monday, 30 March 2015 14:15 posted by Carol

    "I just don't understand why the Council insists on pushing through things they KNOW people are unhappy about, and will adversely affect their lives"
    I agree, P Camilleri! Spelthorne used to be a pleasant place to live. Not any more. SBC & SCC will take money wherever they can - never mind the residents.

  • Comment Link P Camilleri Thursday, 26 March 2015 19:45 posted by P Camilleri

    Correction to my previous message which should have read: "...so parents can take their kids there afterwards."

  • Comment Link P Camilleri Thursday, 26 March 2015 19:42 posted by P Camilleri

    Different things are important to different residents. Some want a playground-fine. Residents with houses backing onto the playground want the right to enjoy their gardens in peace and their nights' sleep undisturbed-also not unreasonable. Life is all about compromise. I think our elected Councillors' role is to consider and act for the interests of ALL their constituents. If, as they've seen, there is indeed so much opposition to this playground, why can't the Council accept that it will affect and upset many people and simply place the playground somewhere else like on the other side of the Walled Garden where there is a massive wild space far away from houses? There is ample parking there and it's also close to the Walled Garden cafe so mothers can take their kids there afterwards. There are also toilets there which are not present in Orchard Meadow. That would seem to be the most sensible compromise. I just don't understand why the Council insists on pushing through things they KNOW people are unhappy about, and will adversely affect their lives (like the extended hours at the White Horse, the incinerator and all the other developments of late.) So, I say live and let live: let's have another playground. But let's be sensible about where it is located and try to make everyone happy instead of antagonising so many people. Just a thought.....

  • Comment Link tina Thursday, 26 March 2015 17:49 posted by tina

    Johnny. Do you actually live in Sunbury. If you do then you would have noticed what has happened in the last couple of years to this town. London Irish for starters - Housing development- where are all these people going to go for their health?, Look at the situation at Health Centre) their kids for their schooling (never mind play!) and all the extra traffic that it is going to incur. Then there is the possible development at the Ridings, Two office blocks at the railway station that are being made into residential. Chubb Fire building that is being made into residential and then Kempton Park. If that goes ahead I suggest they put the play area there, There will be loads of room. I am not against play areas but why spoil one of the last open beautiful places in Sunbury. Have you not read what the local residents are saying. If people have opinions there is nothing wrong in them been allowed to be expressed.That's why you can air your views and I respect that. The one thing that I have discovered is that even if you have them, they are not listened to.
    Maybe this is one of the reasons for hysteria.

  • Comment Link Johnny Smith Thursday, 26 March 2015 16:41 posted by Johnny Smith

    Thoroughly predictable tsunami of hysteria unleashed once more by the shout loudest brigade. If you all feel so strongly that our village is being mis-represented by locally elected councillors why don't u register as candidates & run in the election, you'll hoover up the votes with your inclusive rhetoric.

  • Comment Link Carol Wednesday, 25 March 2015 23:13 posted by Carol

    Cllr H stated "It will be located in an area that is effectively overgrown brambles at present". Then why is the arrow smack bang in the middle of the meadow on the plan? It is a conservation area! Two years ago he must have had selective hearing & ignored complaints about the eco park that is neither, that Spelthorne have allowed Surrey CC to foist on us. Spelthorne BC seem intent on completely ruining the village of Sunbury. It's a wonder they haven't colluded with a building company to stick a few hundred houses on the meadow. Watch this space!

  • Comment Link Tina Wednesday, 25 March 2015 16:52 posted by Tina

    I would also be most interested in who is paying for this play area to be set up. Is it Spelthorne Borough Council or would it come out of a community project allowance?
    Residents should be made aware if it is being paid for indirectly by our money, which we contribute to in our council tax contributions and if this is the case then there should be no reason why we can not have a say, as Peter says, in how it is spent and whether it is wanted or not.

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