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Tuesday, 17 March 2015 08:38

Application to Create Children's Play Area in Orchard Meadow

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Orchard Meadow

An application for the Creation of children's play area including the erection of natural play equipment and the provision of bark safety surfacing is being considered by our planning office.

If you wish view this application ((Ref: 15/00237/FUL) or to make representations, please click here


Representations should be submitted by 25th March.


  • Comment Link Tina Wednesday, 25 March 2015 12:27 posted by Tina

    I hope you are reading these comments Councillor Harvey here on the LOSRA website and also the objections of which there are many on the Spelthorne Borough Council Planning website.
    As the last poster, Peter said, residents are not rolling over anymore and just accepting decisions imposed on us which adversely affect our lives. Please can you also pass this onto your fellow Conservative colleagues.
    No doubt residents will be confirming their thoughts when you and your colleagues come calling on our doorsteps asking for our votes.

  • Comment Link Peter Patrick Tuesday, 24 March 2015 22:26 posted by Peter Patrick

    Totally agree with V Bird and the other opponents to this crazy proposal. There are many playgrounds in the Lower Sunbury area which are underutilised. This proposed playground, ("natural" or otherwise) will attract even more youths to the area at night and therefore even more antisocial behaviour. They already set fire to the benches on the path leading down to the Walled Garden, The other day, one of the benches had been wrenched from its concrete moorings. Not to mention the added congestion to the area. And in these times of austerity, surely our council tax can be put to better use. Finally, what's wrong with NIMBYism? Should we all just roll over and accept decisions imposed on us which adversely affect our lives? Are we no longer allowed to have a say? Good thing we have local elections coming up soon so we can decide who is best placed to represent the interests of residents.

  • Comment Link V Bird Monday, 23 March 2015 12:10 posted by V Bird

    Of course we must have facilities for the young but we really mustn't lose our 'wild' areas: the 'overgrown brambles' referred to by the Councillor are very important for wild creatures, maybe this is one of the reasons we are losing our precious songbirds. (Or perhaps you don't think they are valuable. Ask the children what they think!) Indeed London Irish referred to the Hazelwood golf course and its greens as unattractive scrubland, which they felt justified overlaying it with all-weather artificial surfaces for their pitches. It too was promoted as being good for our youth, which is a good thing, I like young people! But their needs should not in my view trump everyone elses, they will too will grow older, their needs will change, and it has been shown that we all need access to wild open spaces for mental well being.
    These young people won't thank us in the future, if we dewild all these places in this way. As for the 'long haul' you speak of, surely it makes a place more special if you have to make an effort to go there. The time walking is time for talking to the young people, and to get to enjoy each others' company. (But if not, I think cars would be involved.)
    NIMBY. Who isn't one? And good for them/us, it is what protecting and caring for our surroundings is all about. Can I ask if you would protect your special places; would you object to a factory next door? A power station? Or do you choose what I put up with and call me a NIMBY if I don't want it? I would have thought that is quite a difficult attitude for a Councillor to have.
    I think we must agree to disagree, but I feel very strongly that we destroy our lovely quiet places in Sunbury to the detriment of all ages and politics. Although this is a very small area, and it probably wouldn't make much difference in itself, the worrying thing is that many small places like this add up.

  • Comment Link Johnny Smith Monday, 23 March 2015 10:49 posted by Johnny Smith

    Thank-you Cllr Harvey for injecting transparency of thought into this debate.

  • Comment Link Ian (Cllr Harvey) Sunday, 22 March 2015 21:39 posted by Ian (Cllr Harvey)

    As the Councillor who has campaigned for this since being elected I am surprised and disappointed by some of the adverse comments, which seem to be based on erroneous perceptions. The desire for this community children's facility was the most raised matter during my election campaign 2 years ago. Currently there are no children's play facilities in Sunbury East and it is a long haul from, for example Oakington Drive or French Street to Fordbridge.

    Before voicing negative views PLEASE look at and understand the proposal. It will be a "natural" play area, basically rustic wood construciton with bark surfacing, aimed at young children. It will not be "garish" and will not result in building over any currently usable or accessible part of Orchard Meadow. It will be located in an area that is effectively overgrown brambles at present. I would be very surprised if the tranquillity of the Walled Garden, or indeed any part of Orchard Meadow more than a few metres from this facility will be affected.

    I am happy to discuss with anyone, in a constructive manner.

    Please think of our young children and lets avoid NIMBYism!

  • Comment Link Carol Saturday, 21 March 2015 08:48 posted by Carol

    Well said Tina! This was also the conservative led council that initially agreed to the incineration plant - deceptively called an 'eco park' but in fact untried, untested anywhere in the world technology that will kill and cause serious health issues to young and old alike and drastically increase pollution in this area, which already exceeds EU limits by 25-30%. They have said that they 'strongly object', but Surrey County Council have no evidence of that. A vote for conservative is a vote for more destruction of our lives. You have been warned!

  • Comment Link Tina Saturday, 21 March 2015 08:21 posted by Tina

    The council do not want to protect open urban space neither do they apparently want to protect green belt land (possible Kempton Park Development)
    Look at site at former London Irish, in the Avenue, that was protected open space now a new Crest housing development.
    They might as well put a skate park and a housing development in Orchard Meadow too while they are at it!!!
    They are doing it everywhere else in Sunbury and listening to no one.

  • Comment Link Carol Friday, 20 March 2015 20:15 posted by Carol

    There is already a children's play area in Fordbridge car park. Can a peaceful meadow not be left for people to admire without large lumps of plastic gracing the view?
    Do children always have to be close to an activity centre? Would they not enjoy a picnic/nature hunt etc.?

  • Comment Link Johnny Smith Wednesday, 18 March 2015 17:32 posted by Johnny Smith

    Support the proposals regarding setting out a soft play area, hope they'll incorporate the cardio-vascular equipment that is used at the Greeno Recreation ground in Shepperton by older & younger members of the public. I'd like to think these proposals will be welcomed by the local residents as a healthy inclusive gesture to encourage a community spirit but the previous respondee makes me think otherwise. V Bird can always trot along to the Rivermead Island or Manor Park if they want to practice ornithology & escape those pesky kids having some fun & games!

  • Comment Link v bird Wednesday, 18 March 2015 16:03 posted by v bird

    I thought the childrens play area was close by, in the walled garden! Seriously, can't we adults have somewhere peaceful to sit and listen to the birds?

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