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Monday, 16 January 2012 14:48

Eco Park - Not too Late to Make Your Views Known

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Eco Park - Not too Late to Make Your Views KnownDespite the numerous articles published on this Site, Spelthorne Council has received a mere 4 letters in opposition to the proposed Eco Park.

The planning application for the Eco Park is back with Surrey County Council for final approval. The Minister for Local Government and Communities has not given it his approval, but handed it back to Surrey to determine.

Despite all the flaws in the application that have been pointed out, Surrey has no alternative plan so it is very likely to be passed.

Spelthorne Borough Council is also aware of the shortcomings of the application and will be opposing it but needs to be able to state that there is strong local opposition. There is a petition going round but individual messages are far more effective. 

If, after reading the following facts, you are as incensed as us that Charlton Village will be used as a receptacle for large amounts of Surrey’s waste then please email the Deputy Leader of the Council at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and express your opposition to the plan. You can use some, or all, of these points in your message:

  • Surrey says that the technology proposed is proven. Not true – the example it uses is still not working after at least 18 months. It is also potentially dangerous as it produces highly explosive gas by heating unsorted black-bag waste. The plant will be sited only 400 metres from Charlton Village and incorporates a Community Recycling Centre where you drop off your domestic waste. Remember, if it can go wrong it will!

  • Surrey says that the Eco Park will not affect air quality. Not true – Spelthorne is already an Air Quality Management Area as it often exceeds the EU guidelines on nitrous oxide emissions. Any further emissions must be detrimental, and the plan doesn’t cover particulates that are especially harmful to health.

  • The ‘artists impression’ on the newsletters doesn’t an accurate illustration of scale. The chimney/stack will be at least 165ft high (think Nelson’s Column) and the buildings will cover the equivalent of two football pitches. It will be ¾ the size of Grundon’s at Colnbrook.

  • Local estate agents have confirmed that the planned Eco Park is already concerning people looking to buy property locally and potentially affecting prices.

Please act as soon as possible.


  • Comment Link Mrs S Nelson Friday, 03 February 2012 11:08 posted by Mrs S Nelson

    I have also just sent an email stating my personal oposition to the 'ECO Park' incinerator to councillor Ainsley Smith. Thank you for all you care and hard work on this. I am thankfull for this chance to stop this horrible thing.

  • Comment Link cjb Friday, 27 January 2012 19:33 posted by cjb

    The whole family (6) have sent their emails to Cllr Smith-Ainsley
    I urge all to do it

  • Comment Link Mike Brown Saturday, 21 January 2012 10:01 posted by Mike Brown

    I have just sent my objection in. I hope many more people do the same. Local residents are sleep walking into having this monstrosity in breathing distance.

    Mike Brown, Minsterley Avenue.

  • Comment Link Adrian Corti Thursday, 19 January 2012 12:12 posted by Adrian Corti

    This is so important now!! Everyone please spend 5 minutes writing an email to Spelthorne leader and deputy leader, telling them of your concerns and worries, and asking them to stand up for the residents, and fund legal action if required!
    cllr.smith-ainsley@spelthorne.​gov.uk cllr.leighton@spelthorne.gov.u​k

    It is not too late, this stands a very good chance of being thrown out if Spelthorne does this, our legal opinions so far (funded by residents and residents groups) have proved very strong.

    If you really care, please do this asap, it will make a difference to the fight, thanks!

  • Comment Link Giles Chester Wednesday, 18 January 2012 10:36 posted by Giles Chester

    It is truly frustrating, as much as I try and get people to email/write/sign petitions...they just don't seem to care. They only seemed to care about thought of having to pay £1 to park in Shepperton High Street..I guess the thought of them actually having to walk somewhere for a change is more concerning than the thought of their children potentially developing cancer in their later years. It really doesn't help that people are being asked to protest about an ECO PARK. SCC and SITA really have pulled a master stroke by calling it this. I think any further leaflets posters have to avoid using this name...it needs to be called what it actually is! Stop the INCINERATOR! That with a picture the Grundon Site should have an effect!

  • Comment Link Carol Box Tuesday, 17 January 2012 15:47 posted by Carol Box

    I don't know if you have any way of gauging the readership of this website, but I know of many people, just here in Lower Sunbury who are still quite clueless regarding the the Eco Park - With a name like that surely it is quite safe, and indeed will be beneficial? NO!!! Apart from the issues you have mentioned here, I would like you to highlight the concerns that the doctor raised at the Planning Application meeting. Around 8,000 children of school age (and presumably many more pre-school age, as well as the rest of us) WILL BE AFFECTED by the gasses which will gush from the chimney - no matter what height it happens to be! As I have said before, if someone more eloquent and knowledgeable than I am is willing to put together a leaflet, I will personally deliver it to every household in the catchment area. As I have also mentioned I feel that there are famous environmentalists out there who would, if they were made aware, join forces with Spelthorne and all the other areas in the country fighting these atrocities to stop them being built in the UK.
    Yours in despair

    Carol Box

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