As with any other local neighbourhood, the policies and actions which affect the character and future of Lower Sunbury are generally framed and implemented by a combination of local and national government, along with the vested interests and market forces which operate within those frameworks. Lower Sunbury is by no means unique in being under threat from a creaking infrastructure brought about by rapid urban development, the growth of traffic, and other pressures affecting the quality of life and the character of the area.
Working with the local authorities, we see it as the responsibility of residents’ and amenity groups such as LOSRA to address the underlying issues which fundamentally affect their members’ lives, as well as the minutiae of everyday life with which such groups are often concerned.
Please sign up to receive our regular e-bulletins by subscribing via the facility at the top left hand of this page. It goes without saying that, without your continued support we would cease to function so we urge you to join, or renew your membership now Subscriptions (£5 per household) for 2025 are now payable.
An Extraordinary Meeting of the Environment and Sustainability Committee was convened on 29th February to determine options prior to the resumption of the Examination of the Local Plan by the Planning Inspector.
To see the scope of those options, please go here
The outcome which followed the casting vote of the Chairman was as follows:
The Committee resolved to propose to the Inspector to remove all Green Belt allocations from the Local Plan with the exception of the two allocations that meet the need for Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople.
The Committee resolved to propose to the Inspector to keep all proposed flood risk sites but remove those at high risk of flooding and move some higher risk sites to later in the Plan period (11-15 years) to allow the River Thames Scheme to be operational and effective, the design code to be completed, and subject to no resolution objection from the Environment Agency.
The Committee resolved to propose to the Inspector to withdraw the Staines Development Framework as a core document.
We will be interested to see how the Planning Inspector reacts to these fundamental changes in policy; and whether he can allow these resolutions as "main modifications". It's also entirely possible that the Minister of State for Housing will have an opinion following the example of his predecessor, Rachel McLean, with whom the Leader of the Council had a difficult exchange of correspondence.
The next Music Night at Sunbury Cricket Club is on Friday 8th March and is the now-traditional annual event in aid of The Mayor of Spelthorne’s Charities, featuring the Club's house band, THE CHAIN GANG.
This year’s Mayor is Cllr. Denise Saliagopoulos, a councillor for Riverside & Laleham, whose charities are Daybreak Respite Care at St. Peter’s Church, Staines, and the Jasmine Suite, the Ashford & St. Peter’s Breast Cancer Unit.
As ever, the Club has assembled the great and good of our local musicians collective led by Music Night organiser Paul Watts, under their customary name of THE CHAIN GANG in honour of the Mayor’s chain of office, to give their services free to perform what will be a great night of 60s, rock ‘n’ roll, blues, country and rock classics.
This year’s line-up features Karl Green, the former original and long-time bass player in Herman’s Hermits, along with guitarists Gerry Cook from Matrix, Mark Doyle from the Marshall Taylor Band and Tim Renton from 3AM, plus bass players Martin House from Matrix and Roger Harding from the Thames TV Big Band, drummer Stephane Booroff from Sky High and The Escorts, and formerly with Edison Lighthouse, and harmonica wizard Geoff Forester, who has played with numerous blues luminaries.
All proceeds go to the Mayor’s Charities, and we look forward to a bumper crowd for a fun community night to raise as much as we can for two very good causes.
It's £10.00 on the door payable by cash or card. Hot food will be available as usual from about 6.30pm, and the band will be on stage at 8.30pm.
The Riverside Players announce:
After the tremendous success of our murder mystery last spring, we have another one for you wonderful audiences to solve this April. Come and attend the party thrown by billionaire Elton Jack and inspect the evidence to help solve the murder.
Friday 12th April at 7.30pm – dinner is included with each ticket
Saturday 13th April at 2.30pm – afternoon tea is included with each ticket
Saturday 13th April at 7.30pm – show only
The Riverside Arts Centre bar will be open for drinks purchases at all performances.
You can book now at: https://
As indicated in a previous post on this site, LOSRA was furious that the Planning, Design and Access Statement (PDAS) for the BESS application indicated that our Association was supportive of this ill-conceived enterprise (scroll down to articles of 5th and 8th February). Following our representation to the company, they made the following statement:
“Following submission of the application for Sunbury BESS (Spelthorne planning application reference 24/0017/FUL) the Applicant was made aware of an error in paragraph 1.9 of the Planning, Design and Access Statement (‘PDAS’). The error stated that Lower Sunbury Residents Association had indicated support for the application, which they had not. The Applicant has subsequently updated the PDAS to remove this sentence and resubmitted it to Spelthorne Council, and made the case officer aware.”
Jordan Martin,
Associate at DWD Chartered Surveyors and Town Planners
The RTS is a major engineering project by the Environment Agency and Surrey County Council to reduce the risk of flooding along the Thames between Egham and Teddington.
In addition to two new channels upstream of Walton, there will be additional weirs downstream, including a large one across Sunbury Lock Ait. This will inevitably damage the view from Kings Lawn.
The principal benefits of the RTS are reduced river levels upstream of Sunbury. These are estimated to be up to 90cm in the area of the two channels - but only 4-8cm downstream of Sunbury Lock. This is a minimal amount given recent river level increases.
The proposals include an “active travel” route between Egham Hythe and Walton, including two new bridges at Chertsey and Desborough Island. However this will be of little benefit to Sunbury residents because the continuation of the active travel route is the tow path on the Walton side of the river.
We believe that incorporating our proposed bridge at Sunbury into the project would provide Sunbury residents with a material benefit from the RTS and we will be lobbying hard for this. Without this benefit there is little, if anything, for Sunbury residents to gain from the RTS.
A “consultation event” is being held at the Hazelwood Centre on Monday 19th February, between 1pm and 7pm. We encourage anyone with an interest in this important subject to attend - and to let the promoters know your views on incorporating a Sunbury bridge and on the new weir.
Further to the article posted on Monday 5th February (scroll down), the following is the text of the Association's letter of objection:
The comments given below on planning application 24/00017/FUL, for the construction and operation of a Battery Energy Storage System (‘BESS’) on strongly performing Green Belt land adjacent to the Charlton Lane EcoPark, are from the Lower Sunbury Residents Association (LOSRA).
LOSRA dissociates itself from the impression given in paragraph 1.9 of the submitted PDAS that it supported the proposed development that was presented to local residents on 19 June 2023. Not only did LOSRA attendees express no such support at the time; LOSRA is now strongly objecting to the submitted proposal for the following reasons:
1. The proposal comprises ‘inappropriate development’ within Green Belt under paragraphs 152-156 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF):
The Applicant has therefore put forward a ‘Very Special Circumstances Report’ in order to argue that the application should nonetheless be approved
2. The claimed ‘very special circumstances’ do not justify such approval:
3. If it were to be built, the BESS complex would represent an unacceptable industrial visual intrusion and extensive health and safety risks:
The next Music Night at Sunbury Cricket Club is on Friday week, 16th February, when the Club welcomes back FIRE & WATER, a band who played one of first Music Nights more than 12 years ago, and who have headlined one of their Beer & Music Festivals in the past.
Capturing the spirit and music of Free, Bad Company and Led Zeppelin, Fire & Water comprise Paul Cox, who Radio 2’s Paul Jones says has “one of the best voices in Europe” and has worked with Ray Charles, Eric Clapton and others; guitarist Mike Summerland, who was with Blodwyn Pig, Georgie Fame and William Bell; bass player Al Maclean, formerly with Kokomo and Hershey & The 12 Bars; and drummer Jim Russel, whose background includes Stretch, Scotty Moore, Curved Air, Desmond Dekker and others.
An evening of top quality rock and blues is absolutely guaranteed, and it will be a classic old school Sunbury Music Night.
It's £10.00 on the door payable by cash or card. Hot food will be available as usual from about 6.30pm, and the band will be on stage around 8.30-8.45.
Spelthorne is consulting with residents about its proposals to introduce a new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) on the misuse of public land. The consultation will conclude on 31 January 2024, and you can respond online via:
This Council has been listening to residents' concerns and the overarching aims of this PSPO is to tackle issues and behaviours which are unacceptable and impact on our communities across the Borough. The PSPO proposal includes:
Currently, the Council has limited powers to deal with these issues. If a PSPO is in place the Joint Enforcement Team will be able to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for non-compliance with repeat offenders risking prosecution. The team would have discretion and, for example, would signpost rough sleepers towards appropriate assistance.
Residents can read more details about the PSPO and respond online via:
Alternatively, you can email your comments to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The following email has been forwarded to LOSRA and we are pleased to reproduce it here:
Thank you to all of the individuals who have already shared the link to this year’s council tax survey from our Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey Lisa Townsend.
The survey is an important chance for local residents to share their views on the amount of council tax that they will pay in 2024/25 towards the Surrey Police budget that, together with a grant from central government, will fund the service they receive in Surrey from April.
There is still time for Surrey residents who have not yet had their say, to complete our survey by 30 January at
If you haven’t done so already, we would greatly appreciate it if all local councillors could promote the survey using the above link to their constituents, so that we can maximise the number of local residents who are able to share their views. Every comment they leave is read by our team and will help to inform the priorities for Surrey Police during the year ahead.
The survey contains four questions and can be completed in five minutes. I have also attached a copy of the survey and our council tax FAQ that can be completed offline and either sent back to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., posted by contacting us for a prepaid envelope or available in an easy-read version on request. The survey is also available in a number of different languages at
Please do let me know if you have any questions - we appreciate your support.
Many thanks,
James Smith
Communications and Engagement Officer
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey
John Etheridge rightly enjoys a glowing reputation throughout the jazz world and beyond and has been described by Pat Metheny as, "One of the best guitarists".
He is a prodigiously gifted and creative player whose approach to music can only be described as 'eclectic' as he refuses to accommodate or even acknowledge artificial musical boundaries.
His range is well illustrated by his years of touring and recording with the iconic Stephane Grappelli while simultaneously doing likewise with the legendary jazz-fusion group, The Soft Machine.
John is equally at home on acoustic and electric guitar and his willingness to engage with so many styles is matched by his ability to excel in any of them.
He has played with John Williams, Yehudi Menuhin, Dizzie Gillespie, Herb Ellis, Mundell Lowe, Nigel Kennedy, Pat Metheny, Birelli Lagrene, Barney Kessel, Vic Juris and countless others.
John's ability as an outstanding composer is sometimes overlooked but he is often under pressure from audiences to feature more of his own material.
John joins the Terence Collie Trio on Sunday, 4th February at the Riverside Arts Centre, Thames Street.