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Sunday, 30 August 2015 17:30

Cattle Grazing Trial in Sunbury Park Starts 3rd September

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After a number of false starts (see articles of 21/1/14, 7/3/14 & 3/7/14) the cattle grazing in Subury Park will start on 3rd September with a two month trial.

We are not certain how the trial will be monitored nor how it will be judged to have been a success or failure.

The Friends of Sunbury Park (FoSP) have been closely involved in this project from its inception and will doubtless publicise the results in due course.


  • Comment Link Christine Monday, 09 November 2015 14:27 posted by Christine

    THank goodness the cows have gone I have heard of several people very unhappy about the fact that their children have fallen face down in the cow pats and the councils answer is at least its better than dog poo how unhygenic is that it is a fact that ecoli can be transmite
    through the cow pats I just hope that the council have 2nd thoughts about bringing the cows back next year and let everyone use the park as they used to without looking where they are walking

  • Comment Link Christine Thursday, 01 October 2015 13:01 posted by Christine

    Johnny for o nce I will agree with you their are some irresponsible dog owners but the magority are very responsable I hope you asked for compensation for your motthers bad experiance.
    But I notice all your comments are about dog owners you haven't said anything about the elderly on mobility scooters or mums with prams who might like to go into the park but can;t because of the gates ruuners can't run through because of the muck some walkers find it difficult trying to avoid muck its not just about dog walkers.

  • Comment Link Johnny Smith Tuesday, 29 September 2015 12:38 posted by Johnny Smith

    Christine, yesterday I walked from Upper Halliford with my mother along the bridle-way towards Green Street, unfortunately I had to spend five minutes clearly dog excrement from my shoe from an owner who 'decided' not to pick-up along this newly resurfaced path. Further along I counted & dodged 5 separate further deposits left in the middle of this path. Upon entering Sunbury Park & stopping to admire the grazing cattle, we watched a staffie bitch charge at the docile herd then return to her owner before returning to repeat the action. Later on leaving the park by the car park gate a maturing puppy chased after my mother & jumped up at her repeatedly, staining her trousers & causing her to stumble back.
    I could argue from our solitary experience yesterday that our enjoyment of the park & the associated paths in Lower Sunbury were negatively affected by the irresponsible behaviour of dog owners.
    I find it ironic how dog owners complain about the inconvenience cow-pats are causing to their enjoyment of their park, whilst expecting the rest of us to just lump it and accept with good grace the in-opportune behaviour of their own pets.

  • Comment Link Christine Monday, 28 September 2015 19:45 posted by Christine

    Today I spoke to an elderly couple both of which are on mobility scooters and they were annoyed at the fact that they cannot get into sunbury park because of the size of the gates.Last week I saw a mother trying to get into the park with a pram she also could not get in.Does anyone care that some of the community are being denied the use of the park,
    I do not use the park anymore because I cannot exercise my dog in the way I used to I cannot let her off lead as she rolls in the grass and will get covered in the cow dung so I go elsewhere where she can have the exercise that she needs without the mess.

  • Comment Link Katherine Thursday, 24 September 2015 11:27 posted by Katherine

    I feel compelled to reflect on an incident in the park yesterday afternoon that I witnessed whilst walking my two leaded dogs. A couple had stopped briefly to observe the seated group of cows when two Jack Russell dogs & a grey lurcher/greyhound started running at the cows repeatedly, barking, etc. The man appeared to try & shoo the Jack Russell dog away as it was not being recalled by its owners despite repeated charges at the cows, one of which stood up as a consequence. I think the man tried to explain to the owners that it was alarming the herd but he appeared to be challenged by both the male & female owners. As they dispersed I asked what had happened & he explained the dog owning couple disputed the need for exercising control in the park & that it was a dog park, not a place for a herd of cows, whilst identifying themselves as 'Sunbury Park Action Group' supporters. I heard the man call the couple small brained as they continued walking along the path after the incident.
    I feel, irrelevant of the herd of cows, such behaviour in fellow dog owners irresponsible as the dogs were acting in a pact instinct. They could have just as easily been exhibiting such behaviour towards humans or other dogs, alarming parents, the elderly & infirm. The signs entering the park clearly states that during the trial 'as always keep your pet under control', clearly an instruction ignored by these owners.
    I only hope that this was an isolated incident & that these people do not represent the concensus view espoused by Sunbury Park Action Group as responsible dog owners should not affiliate themselves to the organisation if it is.

  • Comment Link Johnny Smith Tuesday, 22 September 2015 11:51 posted by Johnny Smith

    Read the article in last Friday's Daily Telegraph regarding this trial, have to say slightly surprised by the spokesperson of 'Sunbury Park Action Group' intimating that the overwhelming majority of park users are against the trial. The comments from park users under this article would intimate an even split in opinion, contradicting the believe espoused by 'SPAG' in the DT piece. Maybe the DT journalist should've been re-directed onto this Losra forum before submitting her piece.
    Though Aberdeen Angus are a larger breed of cattle, the important point is to settle a calm herd onto a mixed use field, a policy followed over a number of years by the National Trust at Petersham Meadow.
    Likewise the size of a dog is no indicater as to its temperament, it is how it has been socialised in infancy and led by its owner. We could all recount tales of unfortunate incidents with loose dogs in parks but I would always defend the right of a considerate dog owner to exercise their trained dog in public open spaces.

  • Comment Link Pamela Friday, 11 September 2015 19:44 posted by Pamela

    It seems that some residents do not understand the difference between cow's and dogs excrement. Cows only eat grass therefore their cow pats are not dangerous to humans whereas dogs are. Those of us who do not have dogs tolerate the desire for dog owners to own dogs, and the mess that they leave which some, but not all dog owners remove. the cow pats will dry and disappear naturally. Now it is the turn of dog owners to be tolerant. As for children I would have thought that parents would welcome the opportunity for their children to experience the proximity of an animal that they do not very often have the chance to see.

  • Comment Link Johnny Smith Friday, 11 September 2015 09:29 posted by Johnny Smith

    I concur with Vivien, walked across the park on Wed & Thur, couldn't see a cow & wasn't assualted by the apparently repellant odours emanating from the few cow-pats drying happily in the sunshine. It appears some people commenting on this forum have lost all sense of proportion & the ability to co-exist in a semi-rural park. Townies should use the recreation ground on Green Lane if they want a more urban experience of the countryside.

  • Comment Link Christine Way Thursday, 10 September 2015 14:21 posted by Christine Way

    I think that some people must walk round with their eyes shut and their noses blocked because the park is smoothered in cow pats and the smell is awful thats not just my opinion thats the magority verdict.
    Why should people be denied walking in open spaces for the sake of afew cows

  • Comment Link vivien Thursday, 10 September 2015 13:55 posted by vivien

    Such hysteria over 6 cows is unwarranted. I have just walked from the Green Street gate to the Avenue car park, and saw just 2 (yes, only two!) small cowpats on the path. I would hope that people with their dogs and children could share 'their' space more generously with those of us who welcome the cows here.
    As for the idiots who want to goad the cows, maybe this is because they haven't had any experience of actual living animals because of this very attitude. And if you want to be totally 'safe', go home and keep your doors and windows shut.

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