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Wednesday, 20 February 2013 20:04

Elmbridge Council to Press Ahead with Deeply Unpopular Riverside Development

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 Elbridge Council to Press Ahead with Deeply Unpopular Riverside DevelopmentRegular visitors to this site will recall the announcements posted on 23rd May, 1st August and 10th December of 2012. (To refresh your memory on these related articles, please enter Xcel in the search facility above; and/or the LOSRA Newsletters Menu for the Autumn 2012 edition).

As was suspected, Elmbridge Council is now progressing plans for the proposed Sports Stadium complex on Green Belt at Waterside Drive by submitting a development proposal for the football and athletics clubs' current site at Stompond Lane in Walton.

Last year, and to allay the strong suspicions of residents, Elmbridge officers and councillors repeatedly assured us that the two sites were completely unconnected (in other words, the development of one (Xcel) was not contingent upon the sale and development of the other (Stompond Lane). This year, however, they have admitted that the two are indeed connected and, amazingly, deny that they ever claimed there was no connection between existing sports ground and the development of a £6m sports hub adjacent to Xcel.

The land at Waterside Drive is in the greenbelt. The proposal is for an athletics track, a grandstand, the main football pitch and three practice pitches which will stretch from the Xcel building along behind the Weir Pub. The view from the historic conservation area in Sunbury will be ruined by the very visible 28 floodlights,18 metres high, on top of the bund.

The two football clubs currently playing at Stomponds Lane have absolutely no desire to move to this out-of-town location and will be expected to play their matches every Saturday and Wednesday. The floodlit practice pitches will be in use most days and the noise, amplified by the water of the Thames, will be constant.

Elmbridge Council will be proceeding with similar haste to last year, stating that they expect to finalise plans for the Waterside Drive sports hub by March 2013. That seems absolutely astonishing given that the land is contaminated, and the Outline Planning Application required a number of reports to ascertain whether it could be excavated and built on safely, particularly when it is so close to the river Thames. Residents in Sunbury were not properly consulted last year when the Outline Planning application was 'pushed through' and there is now a much wider alliance of opposition.

The first meeting will be at Full Council at 7.45 on Wednesday 27th February at the Civic Centre in Esher. LOSRA members are urged to attend and, if reluctant to drive themselves, there will be a coach leaving the Weir Pub at 6.45, stopping at Stompond Lane at 7.00pm before continuing to the Civic Centre.

Please try to come along.


  • Comment Link Muriel Wallsgrove Thursday, 28 February 2013 18:05 posted by Muriel Wallsgrove

    Letters of objection to the Outline Planning Proposal for the sports hub at Waterside Drive frequently mentioned the noise from football matches as a nuisance, saying that the foul language was particularly offensive. See: http://www2.elmbridge.gov.uk/Planet/ispforms.asp?serviceKey=SysDoc-PlanetApplicationEnquiry Ref:2012/1185.

    Environmental health also registered concerns about the noise, following a number of official complaints about current noise levels. Spelthorne Borough Council formally requested a noise assessment report be conducted, as they too were concerned about the noise. Sadly Elmbridge declined to consider a noise report.

    My information about the frequency of matches comes from Walton & Hersham Football Club.

    These are actual experiences of the harm caused by noise and floodlights, which are set to become much worse (higher floodlight masts), and more frequent. Elmbridge Borough Council should have regard to its own residents, residents on Wheatley's Eyot and in Sunbury who already suffer, and find a more suitable location for this noisy activity. It might as well be an industrial park when it is floodlit at night, rahter than a peaceful riverside location in the greenbelt.

  • Comment Link Zola Budd Tuesday, 26 February 2013 16:33 posted by Zola Budd

    Teams play every Saturday, not every single Saturday and Wednesday. You will find what will happen is that one team is at home on Saturday and the other the following Saturday, so to say there will be matches EVERY Wednesday is factually incorrect (and easily proven as so)

    It's arguments like this one, and the one about excessive chanting that are so laughable to make the objections just look like a load of Nimby dinosaurs sticking their oar in from their affluent riverside plot.

    the anti building on the greenbelt argument is a very good one, and may well be good enough reason to object but coming out with utter nonsense objections like my first paragraph just make them look silly quite frankly

  • Comment Link Muriel Wallsgrove Tuesday, 26 February 2013 13:56 posted by Muriel Wallsgrove

    I cannot understand why the last commentator considers that Walton Casuals' matches do not make any noise, because they are not in the premier league! When they play each member of the team is announced over the tannoy to great noise, and the shouting and swearing during the matches is clearly audible and offensive to local residents. If Walton & Hersham Football club join them at this site, they will play every Saturday and Wednesday in season because they are in the same league, so while one team plays away, the other team plays at home. They will also have practice matches for junior and senior teams meaning the noise will harm local residents most nights of the week as well as every Saturday. The 28 floodlights will be especially intrusive at 18 metres high,and will ruin the view from Sunbury village.

    This land is in the greenbelt, in an area of natural beauty on the banks of the Thames. There are many alternative sites that could be used, including the present site at Stompond Lane, where local residents would prefer the football and athletics clubs to stay.

  • Comment Link Zola Budd Thursday, 21 February 2013 10:37 posted by Zola Budd

    Nimby-ism and scaremongering of the highest order

    firstly there are no major football teams in Walton.. The Weir has leaflets in the pub saying there will be "chanting" causing excessive noise. Absolutely laughable objections. Football teams do not play every wednesday and Saturday, do not play all year round (the summer they do not play at all!) and both teams likely to play there have hardly any fans, and therefore hardly any noise.

    even if you had a premiership size football club there which would be unreasonable, the noise would be for 90 minutes once a week.

    there'll also be no major noise from athletics meetings either.. last time I noticed GB major athletics meetings take place in central london or round the country.

    this will provide improved facilities and has zero downsides as far as I can see..

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