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Friday, 16 November 2012 08:25

Planning Inspector Approves Development of 44 Units at Police College Site

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  Planning Inspector Approves Development of 44 Units at Police College SiteThe Planning Inspector’s decision with regard to the appeal by Linden Homes against the refusal of their 44-unit plan has been made public. She allowed the Appeal.

Nevertheless, in this week’s Surrey Herald, Linden Homes say that, notwithstanding the decision of the Planning Inspector, they intend to proceed with the construction of the 28-unit plan. “We are currently working up the details for implementation of the 28-unit scheme. Demolition of the existing building will commence shortly.”

We are glad to hear that that is Linden Homes intention. After a year of campaigning, two Spelthorne planning committee meetings and the four-day public enquiry for the appeal, we have reached a conclusion satisfactory to the residents and the developer.

Apart from considerable time and effort, the process has cost just over £4700. It is not too late to contribute to help defray this cost. We would be grateful for any donations, no matter how small. Whilst this particular development concerns one corner of Lower Sunbury we believe the threat of over-development affects everyone.

 If you would like to contribute, please forward a cheque, indicating that it is for the Linden Homes Appeal, made out to LOSRA, (Lower Sunbury Residents Association), to:

Mrs Colleen Cuthbert, The Secretary, LOSRA, 8 Maryland Way, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, TW16 6HR

Contributions can also be made via PayPal on this website

Our grateful thanks to those who have contributed a total of £1130 so far.


  • Comment Link Remy Smith Wednesday, 21 November 2012 13:08 posted by Remy Smith

    Localism only works if there is a platform that encourages open debate, irrespective of the contributor's position vis-a-vis the steering group on this website.
    Affiliation and attachment to LOSRA should not be a prerequisite to having a viewpoint in the context of proposed housing developments that affect ALL of us.
    If to dissent is to devalue your views I perhaps have misinterpreted what I thought was an open forum.
    It appears that LOSRA will again be pushing Lindon Homes for the maximum number of family homes on the EA site to the detriment of smaller units.

    Plus ca change!

  • Comment Link John Hirsh Tuesday, 20 November 2012 15:06 posted by John Hirsh

    Given that Remy Smith does not wish to disclose whether or not he/she is a LOSRA member I do not propose to enter into any further communication on this subject. Enough of my time is taken dealing with members' enquiries through the Website for me to be distracted by non-subscribing residents' comments. PS. I earnestly hope you will not require this for future reference but my name is Hirsh not Hirsch

  • Comment Link Remy Smith Tuesday, 20 November 2012 13:25 posted by Remy Smith

    One should not be criticised or black-listed and their views should not be tarnished as the musings of a 'troll' purely on the basis of adopting a divergent view from the perceived concensus of the local community as epoused under the banner of LOSRA.

    Within the village I have witnessed wave upon wave of dissension articulated by LOSRA towards any number of housing developments. Many of the letters of objection sent to the planning department have exactly the same template and only require a change of address and name. An observer could allude to the theory that these reponses have been driven by the beliefs of a few.
    With regard to the 800 signatories Mr Hirsch quotes, how many are of this format? I'm also aware all family members are copied, even if they are juveniles.
    Too many LOCAL people will lose out if Linden Homes decide to pursue the 28 unit scheme aswell as imposing an unsafe junction onto an already crowded Thames Street. Where will the council resite the parkings bays that will be swallowed up by the new exit into Thames Street? Where will the 1/2 bed & affordable units be built or will they ever see the light of day given that the council have hardly been upfront since voting for the 28 unit plan?
    Hardly democratic localism at work is it?

  • Comment Link John Hirsh Monday, 19 November 2012 21:09 posted by John Hirsh

    The government's own website states:"The government has simplified the planning system so councils have the freedom to make decisions in the best interests of their area. Councils and communities should be central to a system that achieves socially, environmentally and economically sustainable development".

    With the support of over 800 local residents the 28 Unit scheme is a fine example of a 'community being central' to a 'socially sustainable development'as espoused by central government. We may choose to disagree with the outcome but we should surely celebrate the Council's willingness to listen to; and then to act upon the wishes of the local resident community.

    This Association is quick to criticise local government where it believes that it does not listen to the wishes of its electorate; and welcomes the opportunity to applaud it when it does. For better or worse,this is such an occasion.

    From our membership list it is not clear whether Remy Smith is a LOSRA member. He/she may wish to use the 'Contact LOSRA' menu at the top of the Home Page to advise on this.

  • Comment Link Remy Smith Monday, 19 November 2012 13:36 posted by Remy Smith

    I think you mean a contrarian Mr Martin(which I am not).
    I re-iterate, the 44 property scheme & its lay-out is the one that best serves the site.
    The smaller scheme has obvious access problems onto Thames Street and provides no affordable element in its design.
    I think Alfred Friday needs to disclose how much Linden Homes have paid to the council by way of off-setting their commitment to the affordable element as outlined in the 44 property scheme.
    I wonder if Linden Homes have financially benefited by entering into this opaque financial settlement with SBC on the now off-set affordable element of this scheme?

    Hardly the work of a troll Mr Martin?

  • Comment Link Remy Martin Monday, 19 November 2012 12:43 posted by Remy Martin

    You're what is known in the Internet world as a "Troll" Remy Smith

    Just posting a contrary view to whatever is posted on here over and over. Really is it worth it?

  • Comment Link Remy Smith Friday, 16 November 2012 17:20 posted by Remy Smith

    If I was Linden Homes I'd be looking to push on with the 44 home scheme as it's clearly the best use of the site.
    Unlike the planning committee the planning inspector has been able to judge another Lower Sunbury development on objective grounds, unburdened by how their vote will play out among the local(Conservative) electorate.

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