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Friday, 17 February 2023 09:00

Development Application at Hazelwood Drive, Ref: 23/00070/FUL

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Under the emerging Local Plan the Site on Hazelwood Drive is proposed for removal from the Green Belt and identified as suitable for residential development.

The draft allocation is for approximately 67 residential units (a figure confirmed in the application) and should deliver the dwellings between years 1-5. The Council is therefore reliant on the site being delivered to meet its housing requirement.

Paragraph 48 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) outlines that great weight can be applied to policies where the Council is at an advanced stage in the local plan process.

Given that the Council have published the Pre-Submission version of the Local Plan and this was submitted for Examination in November 2022, weight can be applied to the Site’s draft allocation which identifies this Site for release form the Green Belt to deliver new housing.

For further information and to make representations, click here, quoting application number 23/00070/FUL


  • Comment Link Bridget toomey Monday, 27 February 2023 16:39 posted by Bridget toomey

    Also determination date isn’t until 20th April and then local elections May 4th and any new staff would
    Need to be trained before this would
    Be looked at, so we all have more time to object!

  • Comment Link Bridget toomey Monday, 27 February 2023 16:31 posted by Bridget toomey

    LOSRA haven’t answered my question as to whether you support this or not.
    It’s not too late to raise objections. The date of 20th Feb is not set in stone.
    It is important to keep the objections coming please.
    This is just building for building sake
    And no thought has gone into utilities or Sunbury infrastructure which is at breaking point

  • Comment Link Helen Parker Monday, 20 February 2023 19:19 posted by Helen Parker

    Your notification is very late. Expiry date for Neighbour Consultations is today, 20th Feb.

  • Comment Link Kath Sanders Sunday, 19 February 2023 19:08 posted by Kath Sanders

    Hi LOSRA, thanks for sharing the info. Paragraph 48 of the NPPF also says in part b) that weight may be given to policies according to the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the more significant the objections, the less weight). However, there are a lot of unresolved objections to the treatment of Green Belt in the emerging Local Plan which is of great relevance to this site (and the importance of Green Belt in the NPPF is itself currently under review). Please don't give up on any of Sunbury's Green Belt.

  • Comment Link Bridget Toomey Sunday, 19 February 2023 17:23 posted by Bridget Toomey

    Do you support this local plan?
    Also does the announcement from Michael Gove last year that not all Green Belt has to be released be of interest to LOSRA too, in the support that they will give the local residents on this matter and the severe over developing that is happening in Sunbury?

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