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Friday, 02 December 2011 16:47

Eco Park - Secretary of State Refers Application Back to Surrey SCC

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Eco ParkThe following is an extract from a letter received by LOSRA today from the National Planning Casework Unit :

"The Secretary of State has carefully considered this case against call-in policy, as set out in the 1999 Caborn Statement. The policy makes it clear that the power to call in a case will only be used very selectively. The Government is committed to give more power to councils and communities to make their own decisions on planning issues, and believes planning decisions should be made at the local level wherever possible.

The Secretary of State has carefully considered the impact of the proposal, and the key policy issues which this case raises. In his opinion, the proposals do not: involve a conflict with national policies on important matters; have significant effects beyond their immediate locality; give rise to substantial regional or nation controversy; raise significant architectural and urban design issues; or involve the interests of national security or of Foreign Governments. Nor does he consider that there is any other sufficient reason to call the application in for his own determination. He has therefore decided the application should be determined at local level, and has not called it in. The decision as to whether to grant planning permission will therefore remain with Surrey County Council."

It goes without saying that we are staggered by this mystifying decision as we believe that at least two grounds for a Secretary of State's determination are satisfied, namely; that the application for the incinerator will have significant effects beyond its immediate locality; and that there are significant architectural and urban design issues. Readers will doubtless make up their own minds as to why, after the application had been deliberated for 5 months by the DCLG (Department of Communities and Local Government), it has taken so long to reach this decision. All the more puzzling when we consider that the Secretary of State had been made aware of the Advertising Standards Authority findings that SITA, the contractors, had misled the public in three important respects during their public consultation (See entry for 26th October).


  • Comment Link Carol Box Wednesday, 07 December 2011 12:00 posted by Carol Box

    I am rather concerned that high court rulings against these monstrosities are now being challenged by Eric Pickles on behalf of the government. Obviously having them scattered around the country would have two benefits - money coming in to government from the companies concerned, and negation of the population problems as we'll all be killed off.

  • Comment Link AC Monday, 05 December 2011 14:30 posted by AC

    So let's see how honest Spelthorne Borough Council is, did they only oppose the Eco park to obtain votes at the local election, or are they really going to prove different and take this further....?

  • Comment Link AC Monday, 05 December 2011 13:38 posted by AC

    Spelthorne Borough Council really need to up their game now, or appear puppets of fellow Conservative's at Surrey.

    We all know this is bent and corrupt the whole way through, and would be so easily won in High Court. Residents and LOSRA have already raised over £10k to fund legal opinions that came out VERY strongly against the Eco park, with very strong reasons...Highly likely to win!
    What is Spelthorne scared of? they can talk all they want, but we need action now. Let's see their true colours, a council for the residents, or a puppet council, scred of Surrey!

  • Comment Link Brian Catt Saturday, 03 December 2011 14:13 posted by Brian Catt

    Anyone rich care enough to help fight this?

    Why does no one seem to care much about this awful liability being built in a scarce green belt area of already poor air quality just upwind of us?

    Sunbury and its schools are under the predominant chimney plume, you won't see it except when its cold, but the micro particle emission will be dropping on Lower Sunbury 24/7in SW-W winds. The scrubbers don't get that bit.

    Its a winnable case, both Capel and trump's Farm were well won and we have more on our side. This decision and its suporting arguements are a travesty of the Green belt planning laws, real environmental friendliness, and takes risks that responsible politicians should not be taking with visitors to the facility and with health in a densely populated area with many schools in an area already of highest concern for air quality in Surrey.

    The only place the law is respected is before honest even handed judges in the High Court. Assuming we get one :-). We need money to go there, as did the other boroughs to see this off. Spelthore won't help. After 2 years uncritical acquiesence its token objection to a nasty proposal for its ratepayers with no real threat of backup, so easy to ignore by SCC, is a disgrace.

    The law is being both cynically exploited and worked around for lobbysist profit in both local planning and central shamocracy.

    Decisions have been backed by misrepresentation and economy with the truth by SITA's representatives and publications - repeated by SCC councillors in public forums - to maximise future commercial profit by SITA and PFI face saving by SCC through one sided undemocratic processes and decisions.

    All the above is independently verifiable with publicly available data - as researched and supplied by us to the State who chose to simply dismiss clear violations of their own statutes, including the crucial one of exceptional circumstances overcoming Green belt Law. This assertion was made by SCC and supported by independently adjudged misreprentation in the planning process. (ASA)

    Today Ian Lake claimed on the radio that the gasifier would be much smaller than Grundons, untrue. It will be 1/6 the capacity, true, but 75% the chimney height and half the building height for 1/6 the throughput, so MASSIVE and utterly out of proportion with the low lieing green surroundings. Its not sharing a major industrial estate with other large buildings as public safety services as Grundons is.

    Lake also claimed waste gasification was proven safe, again, as if him saying it made it true again. It is untrue. The ASA already ruled that as one of SITA's misrepresentations. None of the three waste gasifiers that exist are working properly - there is no such properly working gasifier anywhere in Europe.

    They only exist because of bad subsidy law. Large scale Electricity from Waste - EfW - using direct incineration as at Grundons, is much better, more eco, sorts waste up front so doesn't burn as much unknown and recyclable input as black bag does, recovers twice or more energy from the waste. BUT IT GETS LOWER SUBSIDIES and is a regional solution SITA may not profit from, so SITA stopped suggesting them in 2009 in favour of disposal by smaller more heavily subsidised local gasifiers where it can burn its own waste for maximum profit.

    Gasification is a dangerous two stage process, even when using prepared fuels. Waste gasification is new and an unknown experimental process. ALL such plants are kept away from the public vs. placed next to where they recycle. Not here.

    Because its all about the money folks, not about you. Gasifiers get huge subsidies from bad and misapplied laws.

    Land fill is cheaper than anything including the EC fines, incineration costs a bit more and gasification much more. Its not even saving us money over landfill, its avoiding that money being paid as fines to pay to SITA instead through subsidies. Much more expensive than the real costs , and all have been distorted by German Greens law imposed through the EC with the "help" of waste and energy lobbyists.

    It just maximising subsidy profit from everyone's electricity bills for disposing of waste by burning wastefully instead of maximising its recycling and burning the residue efficiently. A waste of (the energy in) waste. Not eco. Painted Green.

    The kicker - 25% of the waste, the nastiest non carbon residue refined by burning, still goes to landfill anyway, only the carbon is burnt and goes up the chimney (If it ever works as designed).

    Anyone rich care enough to help fight this?

    We are not getting the justice we deserve from those that exploit us for profit and political convenience.

    In the UK now we only get the justice we can afford. Its down to us to get our own justice, no one else will give it to us.

  • Comment Link Carol Box Saturday, 03 December 2011 01:05 posted by Carol Box

    I have e-mailed John Hirsh regarding this appalling situation. Would it be possible to enlist the help, and the funding of Friends of The Earth - who Have been successful in helping a number of groups to win the battle of the incinerator?
    Thank you for your efforts so far. Please do not give up. Lives are at risk.

    Carol Box

  • Comment Link Carol Box Friday, 02 December 2011 16:56 posted by Carol Box

    This is the most appalling news!
    What next?

    Carol Box

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