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Monday, 06 July 2020 08:39

A very interesting proposal from Surrey County Council!

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The email below has been sent to LOSRA by Nick Healey, the Area Highway Manager for Surrey County Council and makes for an interesting read:

"Following the Government’s recent announcements we have been working with Borough and District Council officer colleagues to identify potential Active Travel schemes across the county.  One project that is being put forwards is in the Lower Sunbury area.  This is an area with significant potential to increase walking and cycling, and which has a history of casualties on all the main roads that run through it.  One factor that residents frequently say is a discouragement to walking and/or cycling is their concerns about safety due to the volume and speed of traffic.  At school run times, Lower Sunbury can become heavily congested, despite the catchment areas for the local schools being relatively small.

"To try to address this we are developing a scheme of tactical road closures and modal filters.  Potential locations for these are marked with a red bar and circle on the attached plan.  Where these fall on a bus route, we would implement a “modal filter” which means that only buses, cyclists and pedestrians would be permitted to pass through.  Where these do not fall on a bus route, we would implement a “tactical closure” which would be a closure to all motorised vehicles – full access would be maintained for cyclists and pedestrians.  The objective of this scheme is to remove all east-west through traffic from the Lower Sunbury area, which means the only traffic entering the area would be residents, or people accessing a specific destination within the area.  By removing through traffic, we would hope to make the area much more attractive for residents to walk and cycle within the area – for example accessing local shops or taking their children to school.

"Please note that at this stage the number and locations of the proposed closures are not set in stone.  For example it has been suggested that an additional closure should be considered either in Pine Wood or Bracken Wood.  The closures are being designed so that they could be changed, adapted and / or removed in response to how people actually use and respond to the scheme.

"Funding has now been made available to deliver this scheme.  We are now  contacting schools and local associations to inform them of the proposed scheme, and also arranging for notices to be put up on site to inform local residents and drivers.  This will give people the opportunity to raise concerns or suggest amendments.

"I would be grateful if you were able to use your networks to push this information out into the local community.  If anyone has any comments the best way to pass them to the Council is by e-mail."

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To see plan and the areas affected, click here


  • Comment Link Elleke Tuesday, 07 July 2020 19:12 posted by Elleke

    What is LOSRA’s view on this? If I have understood it correctly i.e it makes the traffic congestion/ pollution even worse then it already is in Green str, Nursery rd and Sunbury X then clearly this plan should absolutely not go ahead! I hope everyone who has submitted their views here are also emailing them to Highways@Surreycc.gov.uk?

  • Comment Link Sandra Flint Tuesday, 07 July 2020 18:42 posted by Sandra Flint

    Do these people know Sunbury at all?? I take my grandchildren to school so from Claremont Avenue I would need to go to Staines Rd West, which is very often queueing pass Batavia Road then get to The Cross. I then need to get down Green Street, if you know this area cars are often waiting on the roundabout due to congestion down Green Street, then wait until I can turn right onto Nursery Road taking me to Sunbury Manor and Springfield.
    A journey that takes me 10 mins now could now take me 30 mins as long as The Cross is not gridlocked.
    This idea would add more traffic to both The Cross and Green Street and this is before the new
    development at the bottom of Green Street bridge are Inhabited.
    This is madness from educated people who are supposed to know what is good for us!!

  • Comment Link m.alvey-skeet Tuesday, 07 July 2020 17:43 posted by m.alvey-skeet

    Another genius way of using up funds that could be better used elsewhere. For one thing, lower sunbury has become so congested (mainly due to over development by a shortsighted council who simply see another home as more income) that it would be dam near impossible to speed dyring school and rush hours!!
    For god sake @SCC @SBC stop wasting our money on pointless exercises.

  • Comment Link E mccallion Tuesday, 07 July 2020 17:24 posted by E mccallion

    The roads are congested around here but stagger the school times and cyclists not in rush hours as a disabled driver I need to get to the shops and see friends in roads you propose to shut , come you must have a bit more imagination that what you are proposing , and you get paid to come up with this ?

  • Comment Link Chris D Tuesday, 07 July 2020 15:30 posted by Chris D

    Horrendous idea. Green St, Nursery Rd and Sunbury Cross would all clog up without the roads you want to block. Too many schools in same area which has created an enormous increase in traffic congestion already without closing off some roads. I would also like to comment that this is not the place for swearing or ageist insults, also during the last six months when walking on Thames street I have been most at risk by speeding cyclists riding three abreast skimming past my elbows and nearly running me down.

  • Comment Link Jh Tuesday, 07 July 2020 13:49 posted by Jh

    Welcome to Lower Sunbury, the town with 2 roads in and 2 roads out....
    we were popular once but Surrey County Council F’cked up their road scheme and prevented antsy flow of traffic.

    In pstead if traffic measures and controls SCC just put up roadblocks like a town under siege

  • Comment Link Mel Evans Tuesday, 07 July 2020 12:59 posted by Mel Evans

    So, how do I drive from Nettlefold Place to pick up my disabled father from the Chennestone School end of Manor Lane to take him to St Peter's Hospital and back again?

  • Comment Link Jan Tuesday, 07 July 2020 11:27 posted by Jan

    Planners obviously don't live in Lower Sunbury! They should spend their money on speed cameras and more humps, the 20 mph signs are completely ignored.

  • Comment Link David Thomson Tuesday, 07 July 2020 10:55 posted by David Thomson

    I am hoping this is a hoax.... if not god help us.... To think that anyone could think up such a ridiculous Plan at SCC is very worrying.

  • Comment Link Jh Tuesday, 07 July 2020 08:03 posted by Jh

    Welcome to Lower Sunbury, the town with 2 roads in and 2 roads out....
    we were popular once but Surrey County Council F’cked up their road scheme and prevented antsy flow of traffic.

    In pstead if traffic measures and controls SCC just put up roadblocks like a town under siege

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