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Dear Resident,

Please find below an update on the work the Lower Sunbury Safer Neighbourhood Team have been conducting this month.

Actions taken on your neighbourhood priorities

Anti Social Driving and Parking in Lower Sunbury

At the last panel meeting it was decided that the new priority for the Lower Sunbury Safer Neighbourhood team would be anti social driving and parking throughout Lower Sunbury and we have been working hard to tackle this matter.

You said:

That drivers speeding in a varity of roads and dangerous parking causes concern to residents.

We did:

- Conducted speed enforcement patrols on a number of roads throughout the village

- One driver was seen in The Avenue to be exceeding the speed limit. Further enquiries indicated that the driver was driving with no insurance and they were driving whilst over the prescribed limit of alcohol. The driver was arrested and charged with all three offences.

- We have conducted parking patrols in the village especially at school open and close times with a number of warnings being issued to drivers.

- We have liaised with the parking enforcement officers for Spelthorne Borough Council and asked them to conduct patrols thoughout the village to enforce parking restrictions.

- We have conducted spot checks on school buses in the village and found that one bus was overloaded. This matter is being dealt with in conjunction with the bus company.

- We have been liaising with Surrey County Council in relation to parking issues in Hanworth Road and have requested parking restrictions be implemented in the road.

We will continue to conduct these patrols as well as tackle other traffic offences such as driving whilst using a mobile phone, driving whilst not wearing a seatbelt and driving without valid insurance, MOT or road tax.

Please do not hesitate to report any such offences to us by calling the Surrey Police Contact Centre on 0845 125 22 22.

General update

Halloween and Fireworks Night

I am pleased to report that very few reports were received during the Halloween and Fireworks period.

Christmas Crime Prevention Ideas

Opportunist thieves operate at this time of year. However, a few simple measures can deter criminals and help keep you and your possessions safe during the festivities...

When shopping

· Make sure your purse or wallet is secure and kept out of sight

· Do not leave shopping bags – or other signs of shopping such as wrapping paper – on view in your car. Christmas presents left on the back seat can make a thief’s day!

· Always close car windows, engage your steering lock and lock the doors

· Park in a well-lit area or an attended car park

At home

· Don't leave presents under the Christmas tree in view of the window

· Mark expensive presents (such as electronic equipment) with your postcode, either by engraving or using a UV pen

· Dispose of packaging carefully, particularly for expensive electrical items – empty boxes left outside a house can advertise what's inside to a would-be thief

If you are going away

· Tell keyholders or neighbours you will be away and ask them to keep an eye on your house

· If you are a keyholder, inform the property owner in case of alarm

· Use timers to switch on lights, radio and TV so it looks as if you are at home

· Cancel milk and newspapers

· Securely lock all doors and windows

While out on the town

· Don't leave bags over the back of your chair

· Keep your purse or wallet close to your body

· Make prior arrangements for getting home. Make sure someone knows where you are going and what time you'll be back

· Don't get into an unlicensed taxi

· Don't drink too much – you could become a target for crime

If you would like a member of the team to visit you to provide more specific crime prevention advice regarding your property please call us.

On behalf of the Lower Sunbury Safer Neighbourhood Team we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Useful contact details for our partnership agencies:

Spelthorne Borough Council

Graffiti Hotline - 01784 446326

Noise Control - 01784 446270

Environmental Health - 01784 446293

Abandoned Vehicles - 01784 446442

Street Lighting - (Surrey County Council) - 08456 009009

Parking Service - 01784 459355 (i.e. Parking Attendants)


Spelthorne Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership

Crime Reduction Advice - 01784 444269

Anti-Social Behaviour Advice - 01784 446322

Mediation North Surrey - 0870 7514311

Sunbury Ferry

Hedgehog Project

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