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    Welcome to the LOSRA Website

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    LOSRA's Aims

    To optimise and enhance the quality of life for Lower Sunbury residents by all appropriate means Read More
  • Sunbury As It Was

    Sunbury As It Was

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Welcome to the LOSRA Website

As with any other local neighbourhood, the policies and actions which affect the character and future of Lower Sunbury are generally framed and implemented by a combination of local and national government, along with the vested interests and market forces which operate within those frameworks. Lower Sunbury is by no means unique in being under threat from a creaking infrastructure brought about by rapid urban development, the growth of traffic, and other pressures affecting the quality of life and the character of the area.

Working with the local authorities, we see it as the responsibility of residents’ and amenity groups such as LOSRA to address the underlying issues which fundamentally affect their members’ lives, as well as the minutiae of everyday life with which such groups are often concerned.

Please sign up to receive our regular e-bulletins by subscribing via the facility at the top left hand of this page. It goes without saying that, without your continued support we would cease to function so we urge you to join, or renew your membership now Subscriptions (£5 per household) for 2024 are now payable.

The following notice has been received by LoSRA with a request to publish. We are happy to oblige:

We would like to honour and recognise the wonderful work done by volunteers.  On 29th May 2018, from 6 to 8 pm, Voluntary Support North Surrey, Royal Holloway University of London, Runnymede Borough Council and Spelthorne Borough Council are hosting a joint annual awards ceremony at the Royal Holloway, University of London.  

We are delighted that this year Enterprise, Runnymede Borough Council and Spelthorne Borough Council will be sponsoring this event.

Please take the time to nominate one or more of your valued volunteers for these awards.  The award categories are:

  • Enterprise Award for Lifetime Achievement in Volunteering
  • Inspirational Volunteer Award
  • Individual Volunteer Achievement Award
  • Supporting Individuals in Need Award (older people, young people and vulnerable people)
  • Long Service Volunteer Award
  • Young Volunteer Award (up to the age of 24)
  • Best Volunteer Team Award
  • New Engagement in the Community Award
  • Other

Our judging panel will include Phil Simcock, Community Action Volunteer Manager at Royal Holloway University of London, Arthur Birkby, Chairman of Voluntary Support North Surrey, and representatives from Enterprise and the Runnymede & Spelthorne Borough Councils.

To make your nominations please use our online form providing details in 300 words or less about the person or team being nominated outlining the reasons why they have been outstanding as volunteers.  The closing date for nominations is Monday 16th April 2018.

If you would like help in completing the nomination form, please contact the Voluntary Support North Surrey office on 01932 571122 and feel free to forward this email to anyone in Runnymede and Spelthorne that you think may be interested in nominating a volunteer.  Your support in this matter is very much appreciated.

Solette Sheppardson, Chief Executive Officer, Voluntary Support North Surrey

The next Sunday Lunchtime Jazz presentation at Sunbury Cricket Club, and the final one of the winter before the cricket season starts, is on Sunday 18th March when the Club welcomes back EQUINOX, featuring an emerging star of British jazz, saxophonist Duncan Eagles.

Equinox is a quartet led by drummer Stephane Booroff, who enjoys an eclectic musical life working with ‘70s pop band Edison Lighthouse, as well as appearing with jazz groups in various London venues, and is a regular at the Wednesday jazz shows at the Barley Mow, Shepperton. With Stephane will be Nick Cooper (piano), an Erroll Garner stylist who has played with many well-known names at Ronnie Scott’s, Bull’s Head and all the top London venues, as well as on BBC Radio 2 jazz shows, and Steve Riddle (bass), who has played with the likes of Steve Waterman, Art Themen,  Don Weller, Harry Beckett and Bill Le Sage to name a few, and who was in the jazz group which played for six months on the QE2 for its final voyages, as well as on  Queen Mary 2

The quartet also features special guest Duncan Eagles, a saxophonist who is a rising star of the jazz world and whose albums have received critical acclaim. Duncan leads his own band Partikel and is resident at London’s Hideaway club.  This is a great opportunity to see a leading and innovative personality on the contemporary British jazz scene, and there is a lot of interesting information and videos at www.duncaneagles.com.

The bar opens at 12 noon, and a bistro lunch menu is available from soon after that - the band will be on stage about 1pm.

A developer’s proposal to demolish the existing bungalow at 126 Green Street and replace it with a 2.5 storey building providing 7 appartments was refused by the our local planning authority.

The reason: “The proposed development by virtue of its design, siting and scale on this prominent corner location, would represent an overdevelopment of the site with a lack of car parking, amenity space and cramped layout. It would be positioned forward of the prevailing building line of adjacent sites and would appear visually obtrusive and out of keeping with the locality. It would not make a positive contribution to the street scene of Manor Lane and Green Street and would not preserve the setting of the listed building at 124 Green Street, to the detriment of the character of the area. The development will therefore be contrary to Policies EN1 and EN5 of the Core Strategy and Policies DPD 2009 and the Supplementary Planning Document on the Design of Residential Extensions and New Residential Development 2011.”

The developer has now lodged an appeal against the LPA’s refusal to the Planning Inspectorate (Ref: APP/Z3635/W/17/3191046).

LOSRA objected to the original application and will now be making further representations to the Planning Inspectorate. If you wish to comment, you are urged to submit your representation online at: https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/ViewCase.aspx?caseid=3191046

Closing date 4th April 2018.

The next Music Night at Sunbury Cricket Club falls on Friday 16th March when the Club is delighted to welcome  for the first time THE JOHN VERITY BAND for what promises to be a great night of rocking blues. John is the former front man of Argent , taking over that role from Russ Ballard in 1973, and was later a member of CBS-signed band Phoenix with the late Jim Rodford of The Zombies and Argent, as well as producing albums by Charlie and Saxon during that time. In subsequent years he worked as a session and touring musician with many top names as well as producing other artists, and made a highly-acclaimed solo album “Interrupted Journey”. His career CV is packed with performances and recordings in illustrious company.

In recent years John returned to performing under his own name, drawing his band from a pool of excellent musicians - the line-up for this show is John Verity (guitar/vocals), Roger Inniss (bass guitar – see his web site at www.rogerinniss.com for his extensive top flight background) and Liam James Gray (drums – more info at www.ljgdrums.com). John appeared last year at the Southern Guitar Show at Kempton Park, to demonstrate his JV Signature guitar, and the audience implored him to get a gig at a venue in the area, so we are happy to oblige. This show is one of over 40 dates he is playing in the UK this year, and it is already generating significant interest. There’s full information and fascinating background on his web site at www.johnverity.com, with videos of ‘live’ performances, so you can get a good taste what you’re going to enjoy on the night. Food will be available as usual. To see flier, click here:

One other thing you should know about – Mark Doyle, a great Music Night supporter, who supplies our PA system when we need one, as well as being a member of The Chain Gang, is promoting events at the nearby Hammond Theatre at Hampton School, starting with the legendary Georgie Fame on Friday April 20 which promises to be a great evening. Tickets are available here. You can find out about Mark’s future events by signing up for the mailing list here: mailchi.mp/1c4678cf22cb/mcd-concerts.

You are cordially invited to join Manor Players in celebrating our 70th anniversary. Come and catch up with members and friends old and new over a meal and a fantastic night of entertainment.

Friday 23rd – Saturday 24th March 2018
Doors: 19:00 / Start: 19:30

Following audition sessions full of talent, our 70th anniversary spectacle has now been cast. We have secured a cast of fantastic performers keen to show off their talents over two intimate cabaret-style evenings at our very own Riverside Arts Centre. There is sure to be something for everyone as the material ranges from musical numbers featuring Sinatra, musical theatre classics & modern showtunes to drama, sketches & a mini-pantomime. The show will also feature a number from Riverside Arts Centre’s in-house dance school KH Dance Academy. This is certainly one not to miss!

The ticket price includes a two-course meal, and our cheap bar will be open all night for you to purchase refreshments. These cabaret nights have been highly popular in the past so make sure you book early to avoid disappointment.

Advance Booking Only at: www.ticketsource.co.uk/event/FEHHIJ

Monday, 05 March 2018 10:27

Gerald Ceaser, FRICS, MBEng

It is with deep sadness that Spelthorne Council announces the death of Gerry Ceaser past Mayor, former Leader of the Council and local Sunbury East councillor, who died at St Peter’s Hospital in the early hours of Sunday 25 February, after a short illness.

Gerry’s career at the Council spanned 34 years during which he was Leader of the Council twice, from November 1995 to May 1997 and from May 2005 to April 2007. He also had the honour of serving two mayoral terms, for the municipal years 1985 to 1986 and 2003 to 2004.

We at LOSRA extend our heartfelt condolences to Gerry's wife, Zandra and family.

To view obituary, click here

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