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    Welcome to the LOSRA Website

    The Lower Sunbury Residents' Association Read More
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  • LOSRA's Aims

    LOSRA's Aims

    To optimise and enhance the quality of life for Lower Sunbury residents by all appropriate means Read More
  • Sunbury As It Was

    Sunbury As It Was

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Welcome to the LOSRA Website

As with any other local neighbourhood, the policies and actions which affect the character and future of Lower Sunbury are generally framed and implemented by a combination of local and national government, along with the vested interests and market forces which operate within those frameworks. Lower Sunbury is by no means unique in being under threat from a creaking infrastructure brought about by rapid urban development, the growth of traffic, and other pressures affecting the quality of life and the character of the area.

Working with the local authorities, we see it as the responsibility of residents’ and amenity groups such as LOSRA to address the underlying issues which fundamentally affect their members’ lives, as well as the minutiae of everyday life with which such groups are often concerned.

Please sign up to receive our regular e-bulletins by subscribing via the facility at the top left hand of this page. It goes without saying that, without your continued support we would cease to function so we urge you to join, or renew your membership now Subscriptions (£5 per household) for 2024 are now payable.

The sessions will be held at The Riverside Arts Centre between 7.45 and 10pm. No age limit.

For further details click here


The following survey is designed to obtain your views about your current use of Youth Centres in Surrey, and Surrey County Council’s proposed plans to change the way Universal Youth Work is delivered in Surrey.

Click here to take part

David is well known in the world of Organists. A former Trustee and past Chair of the Royal College of Organists, he was awarded FRCO, FRCM & FRBC (Fellowship of Royal Birmingham Conservatoire) and is currently Chair of the Incorporated Association of Organists (IAO). His recital venues include Europe, Korea and various English Cathedrals. He has been Organist and Director of Music at St Chad's Cathedral and until 2015, he was principal of the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. 

The evening will start with  a short talk by David followed by a programme to suit all tastes, including works by Albinoni, Walton, Handel, Bach, Elgar and Walond to name but a few. There will be an interval with light refreshments. Tickets are £10 (£9 for members of FoSM) and £5 for students.   

For further information and/or tickets please 'phone 01932785035 /01932 785807  

Also see: fosmsunbury.org.uk or Dennis Van Wonderen, the florist on Avenue Parade.

Bring a friend and we look forward to seeing you there!

15th February, 7.30pm at St Mary's Church, Sunbury TW16 6RG

(Parking available in Parish Hall car park, Green Street. 235 & 216 buses stop outside Church).

Monday, 20 January 2020 10:35

LOSRA Response to Local Plan Consultation

LoSRA has now submitted its response to the Spelthorne Borough Council’s consultation on the New Local Plan. The Preferred Option in the Plan proposes the release of a significant amount of Green Belt land for development to achieve its allocated target of new homes.

LoSRA remains opposed to such development and the precedent it could set against the Government’s own definition that “the essential characteristics of Green Belts are their openness and permanence”.

Four parcels of Green Belt land have been identified for allocation in the Lower Sunbury area. LoSRA’s comments on these in its response to the Local Plan are focused on the largest of these proposed sites, namely that adjacent to Stratton Road, but similar arguments apply to all Green Belt sites proposed for allocation.

Having studied in detail the reasons for allocating this site, LoSRA believes that the consultant’s judgements made in the two Green Belt Assessment Reports were flawed. The Stratton Road site was originally part of a larger area of Green Belt rightly assessed as being “strongly performing” but was selectively downgraded when that larger area was subsequently sub-divided. LoSRA does not support that downgrading and believes that the Stratton Road site does and should continue to play its vital Green Belt role in helping to maintain separation and preventing urban sprawl. It also notes that any development of the proposed Stratton Road site would face considerable challenges due to the lack of supporting infrastructures.

Furthermore, LoSRA supports Spelthorne Council’s challenge to the Government to reconsider the high number of new houses it is required to see built in the borough as part of its new Local Plan.

Click here to view the LoSRA response (PDF document)

Thursday, 16 January 2020 13:54

Council welcomes further Heathrow consultation

Spelthorne Borough Council has welcomed Heathrow Airport launching a further consultation in regards to their expansion plan.

For further details, click here


As promised in the January edition of Sunbury Matters we now publish the notes which will fashion the Association’s response to the Preferred Options consultation on the Local Plan. It’s a bit of a heavy read but there is no escaping the technical detail which goes to the heart of our observations. Reminder: the date for replies through the Council website closes at 23.59 on 21st January.

To view the notes, click here

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