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  • Welcome to the LOSRA Website

    Welcome to the LOSRA Website

    The Lower Sunbury Residents' Association Read More
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    You can find all the recent LOSRA Newsletter available to download Read More
  • LOSRA's Aims

    LOSRA's Aims

    To optimise and enhance the quality of life for Lower Sunbury residents by all appropriate means Read More
  • Sunbury As It Was

    Sunbury As It Was

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Welcome to the LOSRA Website

As with any other local neighbourhood, the policies and actions which affect the character and future of Lower Sunbury are generally framed and implemented by a combination of local and national government, along with the vested interests and market forces which operate within those frameworks. Lower Sunbury is by no means unique in being under threat from a creaking infrastructure brought about by rapid urban development, the growth of traffic, and other pressures affecting the quality of life and the character of the area.

Working with the local authorities, we see it as the responsibility of residents’ and amenity groups such as LOSRA to address the underlying issues which fundamentally affect their members’ lives, as well as the minutiae of everyday life with which such groups are often concerned.

Please sign up to receive our regular e-bulletins by subscribing via the facility at the top left hand of this page. It goes without saying that, without your continued support we would cease to function so we urge you to join, or renew your membership now Subscriptions (£5 per household) for 2024 are now payable.

A vocal & instrumental recital will be held at St. Mary's Church on Saturday 26th October. The event will feature Helen Astrid (Soprano), Frank Palmer (Clarinet) and Geoffrey Bowyer (Piano).

The recital is being held in aid of the Princess Alice Hospice and tickets at £8 may be purchased at the door.

CALA Homes at The Ridings - Will this be over-development?After being informed by the Chief Executive and Head of Planning Services that a development of 14 homes was in prospect for the tennis courts site in The Ridings, we are dismayed to have received this leaflet from Cala Homes in which it seems the true figure is 29 dwellings.

We have no way of explaining this very substantial increase in an already densely developed area and hope to find out more when Cala Homes hosts an exhibition of their plans on Tuesday 5th November from 3.30pm - 8pm, at St. Paul's Catholic College, The Ridings, Green Street. All residents are urged to attend. To view the Cala Homes leaflet, click here.

The following alert from Surrey Police has been received by LOSRA and is reproduced here:

Surrey Police is warning residents to remain vigilant following an increasing number of reports of scams involving fraudsters obtaining bank details, cards and cash using bogus telephone calls and couriers across the county.

On each occasion the victims reported receiving phone calls from someone claiming to be a police officer and attempting to convince them to hand over large amounts of cash or bank cards.

The offenders are claiming to be from the police and are using a variety of pretences including saying that the victims bank card has been used by somebody who is in custody. They are then asking the victim to phone the bank to cancel the card and advising the victims that they will send a courier round to collect the card.

Meanwhile the fraudster is staying on the line and obtaining the victims bank details whilst they think they are phoning the bank. The courier then calls at the victims address saying they have been sent by the police to collect a parcel – the envelope containing the card.

Fortunately, the victims in the most recent offences all realised that the calls were part of a scam and refused to pass on any bank details, such as PIN numbers, or allowed their cards or cash to be taken. Other victims have been less fortunate and have lost significant amounts of money

Surrey Police asks that if you have elderly or vulnerable neighbours that you remain alert and if you see them being approached by unexpected visitors, check who they are and ensure that they are a legitimate caller.

Police Officers and banks do not operate in this manner and would never request a customer to confirm their PIN details over the phone. Anyone who receives a suspicious call, either on the phone or in person, is urged to not give any details and report the matter to the police.

Surrey Police advises the following:

  • NEVER give out any personal information about your bank account to anybody over the phone.
  • If someone calls claiming to be a police officer, ask for their identification number, police force and their telephone extension. Advise them that you will call them back on the 101 number. If possible, use a different phone, i.e. a mobile phone if the call was received on your landline.
  • Never hand over money or bank cards to someone at the door to be sent off elsewhere.
  • If someone comes to your door claiming to be a police officer, always ask to see their police identification card and take note of their identification number. A real police officer will not mind waiting outside while you call 101 to check if they are genuine.

If you have received any calls of this nature, or handed over any money, bank cards or bank details, please call 101 or visit www.actionfraud.police.uk

LOSRA frequently gets asked about breaches of planning policy and how to enlist the support of the Enforcement Officers at Spelthorne Council. Whilst we have no criticism of the EOs and appreciate the difficult job they are required to do with limited resources, we nevertheless welcome a plan which formalises the Council's responses to complaints by our members.

We have been informed that Spelthorne Council approved a Local Enforcement Plan at its Cabinet meeting on 24 September. This sets out the Council’s approach for dealing with unauthorised development and carrying out enforcement activities.

Planning permission is needed for many types of development and changes in use of land or buildings. Permission is also required to erect many forms of advertisements and there are controls to protect listed buildings and preserved trees. When development or work takes place without permission, or not in line with planning permission or conditions placed on it, the Council has various legal powers to take what is called 'enforcement' action to remedy the problem.

The Local Enforcement Plan sets out how the Council prioritises complaints received about unauthorised building work or uses of land, sets service standards for dealing with initial complaints; and provides information on how complaints are to be processed and the range of enforcement options available. The plan states that priority will be given to dealing with those complaints which relate to actions which cause the most harm and that the Council will usually seek to prosecute those who damage listed buildings or fell protected trees.

To read the Local Enforcement Plan visit www.spelthorne.gov.uk/enforcement

The next Music Night is on Friday 25th October when Sunbury Cricket Club welcomes SKELETON CREW to the Club for the first time. It's a band whose members will be familiar to many of you, as two of the stalwarts are former Sunbury residents who have played in the area many times over the years. The band’s leader is Paul King, playing guitar, mandolin, banjo, harmonica and squeezebox. He is an original member of Mungo Jerry, who went on to be voted the Evening Standard pub entertainer of the year several years in a row. He was a founder member of the King Earl Boogie Band, who appeared at the Club recently.

With him is bass player Colin Pattenden, original member of Manfred Mann’s Earth Band in their hit-making days, and now also with Jackie Lynton and the Nashville Teens. Both Paul and Colin were regulars in the Magpie and Phoenix for many years on Christmas Day playing jug band carols along with Colin Earl of King Earl Boogie Band.

On guitar is Chris Bryant, who famously owns Bryant’s Musical Instruments in Tin Pan Alley - Denmark Street - in the West End, so you can be sure he knows his way round the guitar, and on drums is Greg Terry-Short, who has played with Ozzy Osborne, Peter Green and Jackie Lynton.

Please come along so that we have a big crowd to welcome the guys back to Sunbury for the first time in a long while – it will be a fun night.

Tuesday, 08 October 2013 15:17

Thames 21 Welcomes Volunteers

The following email has been received by LOSRA from Thames 21 and we are pleased to reproduce it here:

Autumn greetings Volunteers and Supporters.

Thames 21 Welcomes VolunteersThank you for all your participation in the project at your local site throughout the past year. We have worked with more people and groups this time than last year and the sites have improved year on year, not only in terms of enhancement but the awareness of the hard work and great contributions that have been made for the River Thames and tributaries by many organisation’s and people.

Please see the latest list of Non -Tidal River Thames events for. Details of the public events are also on the Thame21 website http://www.thames21.org.uk/events/

Additional events are too be added as we develop the programme, so watch this space and please feel free to offer up any ideas for the project and new contacts.

I very much look forward to meeting you, your friends while on the riverside at these events.

Best Wishes Luke (Luke Dameron)

Our local diary dates for Sunbury Lock Ait fall on Saturday 19th October and 16th November. Thames 21 are looking for volunteers to help with bank clearance to habitat construction, litter pick and revival of an apple tree. If you can spare a few hours (10am - 1pm) you would be most welcome. Although protective clothing is provided old clothes are advised.

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