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Tuesday, 25 August 2015 14:11

New Speed Tables Create New Problems in Thames Street

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Recent changes to the road architecture in Thames Street designed to reduce speed are to be welcomed especially now that it is a designated 20mph zone. Unfortunately one unintended consequence has come to light following a recent downpour, and despite the potential problem having been raised at the initial planning consultation.

A local Thames Street resident's house has been 'battered' by a small river which formed outside his house (illustrated) and which appears to have been caused by poor drainage associated with the newly installed speed tables. The front door to the property swelled and expanded making it impossible for his wife to leave the house. She simply couldn't open the front door. It is reasonable to suppose that further heavy downpours can be expected as the autumn and winter approaches which makes a resolution to the problem a priority.

It may be that other residents in Thames Street have been similarly affected and, if so, are advised to draw it to the attention of our local County Councillor, Tim Evans at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. He has already been made aware of this particular resident's concerns.


  • Comment Link Stuart Wednesday, 26 August 2015 16:35 posted by Stuart

    It's only 20 mph from the nursing home to Sunbury cricket club where the 40 starts as some clever person forgot any signage going towards shepperton from the 30 at the cricket club ! You couldn't make it up !

  • Comment Link Johnny Smith Wednesday, 26 August 2015 11:41 posted by Johnny Smith

    The original road camber & side gulleys of the road would've drained the surface water, when you construct these 'speed tables' they should've embeded a steel square box tunnel alongside the face of the kerb running the entire length of the table to ensure a continuation of the original drainage system. Mis-placed drains at incorrect road heights set too far from the kerb are useless.
    Did Thames St really need more of these speed tables anyway, I think I counted 12/13 in total. Complete over-kill given that traffic speed is nullified anyway by the narrowness of the road outside The Phoenix & the purple painted Indian restaurant, most cars stop as opposing traffic can't both ways at these points.

  • Comment Link John Hirsh Tuesday, 25 August 2015 20:56 posted by John Hirsh

    I can only suggest repeated requests to your local County Councillor (as indicated in the article).

    Alternatively, a question to the next SCC/Spelthorne Local Committee at 6.30pm on Monday 28th September in the Council Chamber, Knowle Green. The question should be submitted a week in advance and will receive a written response with the option of putting a supplementary question if the response is inadequate. The advantage of this approach is that this is a public meeting and the question & answer will be fully minuted for future reference if no action is taken.

    If you need help with this get in touch via the 'contact' option at the top right of the Home page. Ed.

  • Comment Link R Greeves Tuesday, 25 August 2015 17:13 posted by R Greeves

    Issues with drainage on Thames Street pre-date the recent works. I reported an issue to the County Council 12 months ago - got an acknowledgment and a few white dots sprayed around the affected area. To date nothing done to remedy the problem! Response from council was not a priority! Every time it rained water comes in my door!

  • Comment Link Angela Tuesday, 25 August 2015 15:21 posted by Angela

    That is terrible. Will the Council do something about it very soon?